Here is the reason why you should roll a Kul Tiran

According to World of Wargraphs, Kul Tirans only make up 0.3% of the global population. I’m here to convince you to roll one with one simple fact: Haymaker.

What does a simple racial matter in the grand scheme of things? Everything.

This ability, while being incredibly cool, is equally satisfying because it grants you the ability to punch characters you hate in the face!

Does Sylvanas’ voice annoy you?

Nathanos giving you lip and acting smug?

Did you die too many times in vanilla to those stupid Defias Pillagers?

Join the today and you too could handle all your problems just like Russell Crowe. Become a Kul Tiran and begin fightin’ 'round the world…of warcraft.


The things I would do in order to punch Nathanos in the face. And I’m horde.


Question: Why can’t I just hop on my monk and punch things in the face?

Or like… Unequip my weapons from any toon and punch things in the face?

You know what matters more than racials?



Haymaker ftw… :smile:

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The fat novelty wears out quick, I’m over them in about 5 minutes. Actually I can’t make one of them yet, I’m still stuck on saving Jaina from being executed. Don’t think I’ll finish that any time soon.

Watch your monk, he does not punch. He does a palm thrust. You may say, “But Azrogg, my Fists of Fury is a punch.” No, dancing troll. What you are doing is a sissy move. A simple unarmed attack also does not have the satisfying impact of Haymaker.

Azrogg looks way better punching people in the face than you do. I’ll take generic elf in black mageweave for 200, Alex.

Our guts are the symbols of our opulence. You bring your six pack and I’ll bring my keg.

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I would prefer Blood Elf personally, and would prefer better mog appearances. Unfortunately, I cannot make myself look as good as I do in other games (like Guild Wars 2 and Final Fantasy 14). I do my best with what I can, though.

That said, Azrogg is anything but good looking. Glad you enjoy it anyhow.

WOW!!! That’s racist (somehow, meh). Also I was thinking of Fist of the White Tiger lol! Sissy moves! I’ll see you in PvP Big Boy, enjoy Fist of Stunning Fury!

Make Hay I say!!

You cant haymaker voiceline…

Man I was really hoping for a punchline.

“Here is the reason why you should roll a kul tiran”

“Their round shape makes it easier than trying to roll other races.”

You /katamari triggered me by saying “rolling” and “round shape” lol.

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Why would someone want to play a fatty though? They literally have 0% muscle. Even Forsaken have more muscle than them, just look at me as an example. :muscle:

lolol now just imagine Katamari-Azeroth edition. Starting off with a Kul Tiran and rolling around Azeroth and beyond

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If a KT pulls a mob off the tank (Skittish perhaps?), one Haymaker fixes things.

Or… so I’ve heard.