Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

Break the Add-On, so we can argue about something else for a few days. We’ll all be playing Classic soon, so we need this out of our system.

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get this retail garbage out of classic. only retail players want it. they will never stop trying to ruin this game jesus H christ.


With 5,000 people spamming the channel at the same exact time, no, it’s not. Not at all.

Ok then don’t use it.

Don’t do drugs, kids.

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It was in vanilla

100% of this functionality has been in the game since patch 1.3 WITHOUT ADDONS. It’s NOT RETAIL! Seriously, learn about the game.

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You for that first 2 minutes of reading before a noob realizes the most recognized way to broadcast for a group?

This is amazing. Why destroy sonething this wonderful

oh, good, now we have a streamers opinion on it. I guess argument over.

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Anyone want to take this one?? Too easy for me.

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people will abuse these types of addons today, were arent in 2006, get a grip

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Can you edit that post to what you meant to say?

Which Is what, specifically what format?

Does dungeon name go first? What abbreviations are allowed for all dungeons? What class abbreviations?

How does it handle dead mines vs deadmines? What about simple misspellings?

How does it handle stuff like looking for party?

Can it handle “looking for party, deadmines, I’m 23 hunter”

Just watch it and stop trying to avoid the fact your comment didn’t make sense to what i linked.

Thank you for making this thread. It’s an insult to casuals to call people that use this a casual. They are the very same people who have ruined wow as it is today. Asmongold explains it pretty well.


The first time I posted this video someone flagged it as trolling. This is not a troll post, this issue is very real for the true members of the classic community.


Actually, that is very close to meaning the same thing.

The add-on replaces the need to TALK to PEOPLE.
The add-on reduces party members to npc’s with broken AI’s.
The add-on moves the “MM” out of “MMO”.
The add-on means I will get pretty much the same social interaction as I can get from “Baldur’s Gate”.
The add-on completely defeats the entire purpose of a Classic server.

“I want to run a dungeon. Instead of getting to know anyone, I’ll grab 4 rando’s from my add-on, ninja-loot them because why not! Then be on my merry way.”

THAT is what your add-on reduces the Classic experience to.


I am pretty sure the add-on is well capable of sorting out tanks healers and dps. For low level content it doesn’t really matter who is in your group, and convenience will overcome people instantly. The overarching problem with Classic LFG is damaging organic group development during your leveling experience that in turn hurts guilds where people see no benefit in having friends in a guild to level with when they can “pug” every dungeon. This leads to isolationism and the world feeling small as we see in retail where guilds don’t matter. Plus, as people do gear up, they will care less about the quality of players in groups and auto inviting will become even more common, especially for farm runs.

Sure, but was LFG a common vanilla add-on? Half of my arguement was that the culture of WoW has changed dramatically and LFG means something very different today than whatever it was back in the day. As a kid playing Wrath I did not even know of a LFG add-on and nobody I interacted with during my leveling experience ever brought anything like that to my attention. Today, LFG has an entirely different social context behind it. Classic LFG will bring that culture to classic.

Oh boy. Ever hear the saying:

“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink”

I could try to dunk your head in the trough but at this point I just don’t think you are going to get it.

Good thing it doesn’t matter.

“I’ll go.”