Herbalism Woes

I’ve been trying to level up my herbalism and this is the first time I’ve done herbalism since Blizzard revamped the professions. From my understanding of the revamp, each zone was free-standing from the other. You pay to learn each regions profession and go about doing what you need to do. I found out today, that the Outland professions are still tied to your professions from Azeroth. Although, I paid the herb trainer and skinning trainer in Honor Hold, I found that when I skinned, I only got scraps and when I picked herbs, I would only get stems and blades. This because I hadn’t reached 300 on either in Azeroth. So much for free-standing regions. I found this to be the case in some of my cooking recipes, also. So I returned to Azeroth to try to bring up my professions. Got my skinning to 300 right off, wasn’t too far away, but now I’m butting my head against the wall trying to figure out where I need to go for the herbs I need to be picking. They are either too low or too high and for the life of me, I can’t find any guide on my Google searches that tell me what level the herbs are that I need to be looking for. All the guides these days is for Classic, nothing for retail, at least, not since the professions have been revamped. As of right now, my herbalism is at 216. Goldthorn, Fadeleaf and Kadsgar’s Whisker are green to me and only giving a point every five herbs I pick. If I try to go pick Sungrass, or Sorrowmoss or Dragon’s Teeth, I get nothing but stems and blades, because it’s red to me. So what is in between that I am missing. I’m sorry this is so long, but I’m really pissed atm.

It is mostly as you expected, each continent has its own herbs and its own herbalism skill. The only exception is the one you found - the first two zones in Outland still have some Vanilla herbs in them. And picking those uses your Vanilla skill not your Outland one.

At the time the skills weren’t tiered, and they wanted a blurrier transition from Vanilla through to BC. But in retrospect it would be neater now if it was an abrupt change.

From the right perspective though, picking those Vanilla herbs in Outland is still giving you skillups, the herbs are largely useless anyway no matter if it is stems or full herbs. But if you want to focus only on skilling up your Outland skill, only pick Felweed in Hellfire, and Ragveil in Zangarmarsh, and Dreaming Glory in either. The other Outland zones don’t have any Vanilla herbs.

As for skinning, you get scraps early on, nothing you can do about it. Just keep skinning and as your skill increases you will start to get full leather more often. At least all skinning in Outland gives Outland materials.

Im not sure what you mean about Cooking. I can’t think of an example where there is crossover. All meat in Outland is for Outland recipes and all use your Outland cooking skill.

This is not correct.

What you do in Outland has nothing to do with what you did in Azeroth.

You still need to learn the skill from each xpac though.

I know this is incorrect because my Panda DK would only be getting nuggets from mining if that were true, and she doesn’t.

wow-professions.com has profession leveling guides including route maps for gathering particular herbs.

Thanks for all the replies. I just pushed through and got my herbalism skill up to where I needed it.

Also don’t forget to go the Darkmoon Fair and do your profession quests. I am maxed out in BFA; but some of my toons, like my Black Iron dwarf and Kul Tiran, are still doing them to work on other older areas like Outland, Pandaria, etc.

The Darkmoon Faire only grants +5 skillups for the profession quests to the highest level expansion you have the profession trained for.

So, If you were already maxed out for the Northrend profession, but not maxed out for it for Outland, you would not get DMF skillups for Outland.