Herald of the Sun most fun I've had with ret

It is so much fun, but for the longest time I was using word of glory instead of eternal flame because it did not change word of glory lol. But I love this spec. I can support hubby, and it is strong self sustain. It feels so good to play as well with the haste bonus.

If you have not tried it out, you should. Yes the big hit from templar is missed but I feel like things melt just as fast, more so group stuff.


It melts along with Avatar of the Sun in PVP.

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I genuinely agree. Even if Templar sims better, Herald of the Sun just feels buttery smooth to play. All the haste bonuses make me feel like I’m back to playing S4 of DF again now with light beams. It’s especially helpful in the open world because your self sustain is very high, making soloing elites and tough rares a breeze.

I was put off from trying it at first because everyone was dooming on it, but now that I’ve given it a try, I’m really loving it. Every now and then I switch between Templar and Herald in the open world and I still prefer Herald.


Herald is cracked in BGs where you can abuse aura of reckoning. Lovely design, hope that PvP talent doesn’t get pruned.


Reading this just taught me something lol. I also never replaced word of glory with the new flame lol. I was like why isn’t this changing word of glory into eternal flame?! When I get home I’m going to double check my spell book now.

I’m also enjoying this hero tree.

I also use Herald.
For the type of content I do, damage doesn’t matter to me.
I prefer to have fun and have a bit more survivability.
Eternal Flame, with the corresponding talents, is healing for 500k normally (with 565 ilvl) and 1M on crit.

Since I’ve been using Eternal Flame, I haven’t used Flash of Light again.

how do I make eternal flame good? the healing still sucks

It always fully heals me when I am low life, and standing in con boost it. Plus the regen.

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I came to this forum to see if anyone else was playing this hero spec. I went Templar and found it clunky to play and lacking survivability. HoS feels better to play and has better survivability.

I don’t know what problems you have, Eternal Flame can keep me alive easily in combat. As long as I’m in combat and generating HoPo.

As I mentioned earlier, a single Eternal Flame (crit) can heal me completely. My gear sources are WQs and Delves with keys, I barely have 565 ilvl.

My stats are all over the place, I’m focusing more on increasing my ilvl and less on stats. Players with higher ilvl or better stats will likely have better results than me.

I’m gonna jump in here and agree as well. I much prefer Herald over Templar.

To me Templar just feels like a 5 HoPo speedbump every 30 seconds combined with the rest of it being completely passive. I don’t find it fun at all to play. Even the survivability bumps happen at a set time and may not line up with when you need them.

On the other hand, Herald feels like it adds meaning gameplay. The light beams are fun to play around and position. The Divine Purpose proc feels good because its preditable and I can use it for whatever I need in the situation. The supercharged HoW procs feel great and Eternal Flame is there whenever I need it.

I really hope these end up being balanced enough for people to pick the one they like.

The Healing Hands talent in the general tree also boosts EF. If you’re casting EF at 60-70% health it will feel underwhelming. However, if you cast it at 30% it gets really potent. Also keep in mind that a significant portion of EF is the HoT.

as much as i love herald, i dont think calling templar passive and herald active is correct. both are largely passive and hearl being completely passive


The issue is with templar your damage is much much better overall. Maybe herald is will better in m+ when mobs lives longer and your DoT have a chance to do full damage but currently playing Herald is like trolling your group.

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It’s lucky that I play solo or with friends, and we care more about having fun and less about who deals the most damage.

Now, with this, I’m not saying it’s wrong to focus on damage. If someone plays competitively, it’s fine.
But I think that several people who use Herald play in one way, and those who use Templar play in another.

the opposite tbh, templar dumpsters herald in high keys. we’ve tested this on 12+ in beta.

people think aoe overal is the end all of keys when bosses exist in keys. and if you do sub tank damage in bosses, it’ll end up takign 7mins+ to kill those bosses this expansion

Depends if it is fort key the. Yea AoE matters more same with tyrn keys ST damage matters more

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Yeah… Herald is pitiful in dungeons compared to Templar. Mobs do not live long enough to get much value from the DoT and overall I prefer having a 30-second nuke with the occasional double cast of it.

Buffed divine steed is amazing too.

You aren’t going to take 7-minutes to kill a mythic+ boss regardless. Just build your comp to compliment the Paladin’s AoE with a ST bomber like Mage or Fury.

the issue is, ret already has massive aoe damage without herald, its st however was nerfed so to somewhat get that prio/st dam back cause m+ isnt all aoe btw theres prio dam and boss dam. you go templar. also templar does massive cleave without sacrificing st like herald does

okay that would have been a option like two expansions ago. but not anymore? cause every meta spec in DF had both prio/st and massive aoe capabilities without sacrificing much of either

yall are falling for the same larp people said post rework in season 1, “ret meta cause super aoe now :sunglasses:” and then ret wasnt even close to meta until you get the lego axe POST that massive buff it got near the end of season3

alot of specs have massive st and aoe already, its okay for ret mains to ask of it to

Ref will never be meta unless it does 25% more damage. The same can be said for all melee.

Being a range givvs is easier to keep damage on the boss while moving away boss or mechanics. Say the boss where you to get light to light the candle to keep the might on: is much easier for a range to do it then a melee. That’s just one example