Herabism is lethal

I like that they added stuff to gathering. Gathering was boring AF before. Slows down the bots.


I had an issue with herbalism at first. After the first ill experience, i read up on the possible ‘side’ effects and made aure I was prepared for each and haven’t died using it. I do find it fun thinking that it is an anti-bot additive.

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Oh its 100% designed to counter bots.
Same can be said for the profession knowledge quests.

I’m glad evoker has such extensive utility. I can remove disease and hover through windswept. Actually just discovered the latter recently. Used hover right before i got the push and i just…kept…going lol


Used DI racial on Dark Irons. Survival CDs on others. Until you spec into the elementals, they suck. And even then, some of them are still annoying.

Agree with OP 100% They make it so the worst crafting expansion ever has recipes for almost everything remotely useful requiring Awakened order, which only herb/miner can gather. Then kill you when you go herbing…Fired never to work in the industry again. And to anyone who thinks it has made herbing fun, DYING is not fun, its annoying and another waste of time while doing something alot of people hate in the first place.

Highly subjective! I personally think this is one of/if not the best crafting expansions ever and have welcomed the change since day one. Sure, it has many flaws (much of which is easily fixable) and the exploits were handled poorly, but I would still prefer this system over any that came before.

Also, once you level up your specific elemental herb specialties, they are no longer a problem. I usually find myself in agreeance with a lot of posts complaining about aspects of the game, but this is definitely not one of them. I never found this a serious issue, a little annoying at first because of not knowing what each elemental herb did, but once you get the hang of it, it was hardly that big of an issue.

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if this was step up to combat bots. im all for it

I always hear about decayed being dangerous, but never seen it.
Windswept are straight trolls though. Activating Death’s Advance, which should render one immune to external movement such as knock back, doesn’t include this effect. I guess it’s not external enough… fine. Mount up, relax until the debuff vanishes.

Yeah whoever thought this was a good idea is wrong and should be stopped.

“ItS tOo DeTeR bOtS” - 65 IQ take

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“Worst expansion” bruh :skull: