Even Superman/Geralt of Rivia knows how to build a Ryzen setup from scratch without having “bios issues”
This thread brought to you by Advanced Micro Devices.
Wish there was a Lisa Su avatar to give this guy
Although I should thank you. I showed that to my wife and she loved it. Will be a good primer nawmsayin
More like Geralt of Ryzen.
Umm, I’m Pro PC, but i have no idea what is the point your trying to convey in this thread to be blunt as a screwdriver honest with you.
Also, Which Superman?
I came across this last night and it made my evening.
Someone is using Ryzen, that’s pretty much the only point, if someone says something positive about AMD or uses their stuff in a build, their No.1 fanboi is here to spruke about it.
I briefly thought about making a little alt with a Intel or Nvidia type name and then come here to basically make the same amount of threads/comments as You does about AMD just to see how much it ruffled his feathers but then i remembered i don’t care enough