First and foremost, I was a click and press healer for the entirety of my wow career and made the switch in s1 of Dragonflight to use mouseover macros. I strongly, STRONGLY, suggest taking the time to make this adjustment. It was a godsend of a change for me.
I double down on a lot of my macros; as in I always couple a helpful and harmful spell into the same button which will cast depending on who I am either mouseover’d or targeting.
#showtooltip Grove Guardians
/stopmacro [channeling]
/cast [@mouseover,exists, noharm] Grove Guardians
/cast [@mouseover,exists,harm] Hibernate
The above macro has some conditionals and commands some may not be familiar with. “/cqs” will CancelQueuedSpell. As in it will prevent you from having a spell “queued” to be used immediately after your current spell ends. I use this simply to have a bit more control over who my treants are put on. It simply adds a little delay to ensure i dont spam multiple treants out.
#showtooltip Convoke the Spirits
/stopmacro [channeling]
/cast [stance:2] Convoke the Spirits
/castsequence Moonkin Form, Convoke the Spirits
I use this as a dps convoke. itll do kitty convoke if im already in cat form (best for 1-2 targets), otherwise itll pop me in boomkin form and convoke.
#showtooltip Convoke the Spirits
/stopmacro [channeling]
/cast Nature’s Swiftness
/cancelaura Bear Form
/cancelaura Cat Form
/cancelaura Travel Form
/cancelaura Moonkin Form
/cast Convoke the Spirits
I add the stopmacro line to majority of my macros to ensure i dont cancel my convoke. this line simply will not let the macro run as long as you are channeling a spell (which convoke is). This will also cast NS before using convoke due to the buff NS gives to regrowth. It will buff every regrowth cast during convoke but will not use the NS. Lastly, itll cancel any form that I am in to ensure it is used for healing purposes.
#showtooltip Swiftmend
/castsequence [@mouseover,exists,noharm] reset=6 Swiftmend, Wild Growth
/cast [nostance:2,harm] Cat Form
/castsequence [harm] reset=4 Thrash, Swipe, Swipe, Swipe
I kitty weave. This macro will swap me into cat if im targeting a hostile then let me braindead “cleave” so i can focus more on my positioning rather then managing my energy and whatnot. Is it optimal? no, but being optimal is such a minor dps gain id rather just automate it. Secondly, as long as im mouseovered a friendly, itll swiftmend and Wild Growth. Named it my “AoE” button for aoe healing or dps.
#showtooltip Lifebloom
/cast [@mouseover,exists,noharm] Lifebloom
/cast [nostance:2,harm] Cat Form
/castsequence [harm] reset=target/4 Rake, Shred, Shred, Shred, Shred
As above, this is labeled “single target” as it will be my single target dps spam or lifebloom. the reset=target/4 will let me tab target mobs and rake each mob if I choose to do it. With every new “target” it resets the macro back to the first ability, which in this case is rake. So on bosses, since their is only one target, itll go through the entire macro and its just enough shreds to reapply rake before it falls off.
#showtooltip Wild Charge
/cast [@mouseover,exists,harm] Soothe
/cancelaura Bear Form
/cancelaura Cat Form
/cancelaura Moonkin Form
/cast [stance:3] Wild Charge
/cast [@mouseover,exists,noharm] Wild Charge
If you use wild charge, the only real worthwhile uses for it are travel form jump boost and the fly to friendly target. this makes it regardless of your current form, its gonna fly you to a friendly unless you are in travel, in which case get ready to boost.
Update for 10.2
Just an update for 10.2 since its looking like a ranged dps build utilizing master shapeshifter is going to be the way to go:
#showtooltip Lifebloom
/cast [@mouseover,exists,noharm] Lifebloom
/cast [nostance:4,harm] Moonkin Form
/cast [harm] Wrath
This is a spammable single target wrath which will shift you into moonkin before you start dps’n. the “nostance:4” will check to see if you are in stance:4 which is moonkin. Since you wont be it will put you in moonkin before you wrath. Each subsequent press will skip the “nostance” line because you are already in moonkin.
#showtooltip Swiftmend
/castsequence [@mouseover,exists,noharm] reset=6 Swiftmend, Wild Growth
/cast [nostance:4,harm] Moonkin Form
/cast [harm] Starfire
Same thing but for starfire
#showtooltip Regrowth
/cast [@mouseover,exists,noharm,nodead] Regrowth
/cast [@mouseover,combat,help,dead] Rebirth
/castsequence [harm] reset=target/4 moonfire, Starsurge
With master shapeshifter its only useful to spam cycle moonfire on 1-3 targets. Anything more and you just sunfire and starfire. Much like the rake kittyweaving macro in the first post this will let you spam cycle moonfire on multiple targets or moonfire->starsurge on single