Hey guys I am looking for a way to change my target frames in game without a huge amount of addons if possible. I like the base game look of my nameplates, but as a example a non interruptable cast and one I can interrupt I would like to change the colors of them, but have it look the same. is this possible?
Try using the addon Quartz. Fairly simple and light weight cast bar addon that will do what you’re asking
I’m not aware of any setups that do that with the Blizzard Nameplates but there’s plenty of highly customizable nameplates out there with those functionalities and more, like Plater.
plater will show what you can and cannot interrupt…but it can be intimidating it’s HIGHLY customizable with a lot of options and sub options. I use Quazii’s plater profile but wago.io
has a lot of profiles you can import.