Help with targeting: /click

As a caster, I used to have this macroed to all my spells so that if I didn’t have a target it would pick what I’m looking at. Or if my target was dead it would pick a new one. The in game auto target sucks. Is there any way to get this working again, or a work around? I’ve used this probably since vanilla.
Edit: The problem is all of my spells call this via click
SO it says

#showtooltip Moonfire
/Click MultiBarLeftButton7
/cast [harm,nodead] Moonfire

the targeting actually works but I can’t call the click anymore. Any ideas?

/target [@target,exists]; [@focus,harm]
/console targetNearestDistance 1.0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console targetNearestDistance 40.0

What is the Click supposed to be doing? Casting a spell or something? It’s not clear what its purpose is and there may be another way to achieve what you’re after. What do you have in that button slot to have it click on?

Sorry I tried to reword my post after I figured out the /click is the problem

This is my macro, all my spells are like this
#showtooltip Moonfire
/Click MultiBarLeftButton7
/cast [harm,nodead] Moonfire

This is what’s on MultiBarLeftButton7
/target [@target,exists]; [@focus,harm]
/console targetNearestDistance 1.0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console targetNearestDistance 40.0

Some of my spells, like my big cooldowns etc, also /click button8 which has this on it
/use [group:raid, @boss1, exists ] Fleeting Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
/use [group:raid, @boss1, exists ] Fleeting Elemental Potion of Power
/use [group:raid, @boss1, exists ] Elemental Potion of Power

And there is zero chance of me fitting all of that in one macro.

One critical problem is that Blizzard is now preventing chaining macros with /click calls to buttons that contain other macros.

All macros (both real and “macrotext” based ones) are being additionally restricted to remove the ability to chain macros. For example, this means that one macro cannot “/click” a button that itself would execute another macro.


Thank you Sniper, you found the reference I was trying to recall.

Dropulus, you may have to make your macros with the targeting baked in like this:

#showtooltip Moonfire
/target [@target,exists]; [@focus,harm]
/console targetNearestDistance 1.0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/console targetNearestDistance 40.0
/cast [harm,nodead] Moonfire
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Blizz really doesn’t want people going over the 255 limit in any form.

They’re absolutely serious about the 255 character limit. Prohibiting chaining is really going to crimp the style of a lot of people.