I’m currently trying to get through the Suramar quest line as I just want to work towards unlocking Nightborne’s but I can’t figure out how to start the quests. I recently boosted this character to 110 and read that I was supposed to automatically get the quest to start but never did, contacted support and apparently I’ve already completed the first quest but the next one is seemingly non-existent. I’m supposed to examine an arcane anomaly on Dalaran but there is nothing here for me to see nor can I find the quest to do so anywhere. Is there anything I should do or try?
Also, the messenger from my order hall will not stop following me around saying he has a message, yet when I go to speak with him, it’s just blank.
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Go to the cave, the entrance to which can be found at 34.8, 48.1
The cave is just in front of the flight master at Meredil.
I’ll try that now, and any idea what might be up with the messenger following me around constantly saying he has something to tell me?
As for that, I have no idea…did you start your order hall campaign yet?
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Try this to rule out any shenanigans there:
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Maybe go to the class order halls guide on Wowhead and compare your completed quests with the Monk Campaign List? It could be trying to let you know there’s something to pick up on the Wandering Isle. Or maybe Khadgar needs you… 
I am not getting these quests to begin in Suramar or Broken Isles. And I did go pretty much thru the Legion areas. I have played this Nightborn since lvl 20. She is now lvl 112. No Offers yet. Nothing in my Log book either. However: When I was flying around getting the flight paths in Legion, I was able to fly into Suramar to get those. And when I was doing that, I flew up above Shal’Aran and took that portal in. I was surprised it was actually there already since I haven’t even been offered the beginning quests there yet. So I took that portal into Shal’Aran and Everything was there. Including that Very Large Tree/Vine thing that grows in the middle of the room, and the Mail table and every portal was already there. I was very surprised. But did that happen because of game changes, or because I was on the Void Elf?
UPDATE: Ok so after I posted this I went to Shal’Aran in Suramar, and There was an NPC there that will give you some of the queslines in Suramar to get you started. Shal’Aran was Completely built when I went there, All the portals were there, Mail Table was there, and that Big Tree/Vine in the middle was there too. So if your Playing A New Allied Race… Try to go to Shal’Aran and pick up some quests like I did.
The reason for this is that as a Nightborne you have to have completed that entire quest-chain on another toon. You’ll notice that your Nightborne also has exalted reputation with the Nightfallen. Since that unlock is meta, you get the zone updates as though you’d already completed the area. So it’s a little more round-about to get the questing done there if you’re wanting to do it again/on more than one toon.