Help with script

at the recommendation of an ingame GM I am coming to the forums to seek assistance.

at this time there is nothing in our spell books to show us which of the many special tames we are capable of on individual hunters. Such as the book of Dinomancy, the book that lets us tame the serpents in jade forest, the ability to tame mechanicals etc.

I would like to see if anyone who has experience with writting scripts could come up with something to check and see what’s been learned. I have no idea how to do something like this.



Only issue with that macro is that it is missing Undead, and you don’t have enough room to fit it with the color coding.

/run for k,v in pairs({['Blood Beasts']=288956,['Direhorns']=138430,['Mechanicals']=205154,['Feathermanes']=242155,['Undead']=340825,['Cloud Serpents']=340826})do print(format('%s: %s', k, IsPlayerSpell(v) and 'Yes' or 'No')) end
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Just to help shortening things, tables don’t need keys (spaces not withstanding) placed in square bracket/quotes in order to define them:

local SomeTable = { ["MyKey"] = 123 } -- string key/numeric value
local SomeTable = { [1] = "text value", [2] = "other text value" } -- numeric keys/string values

can be defined as:

local SomeTable = { MyKey = 123 } -- string key, numeric value
local SomeTable = { "text value",  "other text value" }, numeric keys ([1], [2]) string values

Numeric table keys out of sequence would need brackets
local SomeTable = { [4] = "Some Value", [7] = "Other Value" }

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omg, thanks so much guys. When I get a chance I will try both of these out and see how they work. Will post back with any questions etc.

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Use Adreaver’s

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