Help with lock summoning macro

Ive seen it before but lost it, I want a summoning macro that announces whom im summoning but only in raid or party. location added in is cool but just one that says basically Im summoning x, please assist, but only in party or chat. Tyvm in advance!


Found this from 2012, might be worth a shot, I’m no lock so I cant test. Just tryin to help

/script SendChatMessage(“Creating a summoning portal to “…GetMinimapZoneText()…”. Please assist.”, UnitInRaid(“player”) and “raid” or “party”)
/cast Ritual of Summoning

think i had the same one, didnt put the players name I think

This one is from a lock classic macro guide, not sure if external links are allowed.

/cast Ritual of Summoning
/run local msg=strjoin(“”,”Summoning “,UnitName(“target”),” to “,GetMinimapZoneText(),”, please assist.”) SendChatMessage(msg,(UnitInRaid(“player”) and “RAID” or “PARTY”))

If that doesn’t work maybe a lock will chime at some point, it is 2am after all lol

There is probably an addon that also does this, but I have no idea what it would be.

Good luck

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I just used a simply one that puts the name of the person you have targeted.

/p Summoning %t. Click please.
/ra Summoning %t. Click please.

I just put it in cause otherwise you’d have 3 warlocks all summoning not knowing if you’re all summoning the same guy. It will speak both in party and raid.


Thanks, I want to make it simple and u made it :slight_smile: