Help with keybind issue [RESOLVED]

I’m using Bartender4 as my bar addon. I haven’t had any problems until today when I suddenly found that my previously bound alt + numberic keys no longer work.

For e.g. I’ve bound alt+1 to Spell A, and alt+2 to Spell B, and as of logging in today they don’t work. I checked that I can indeed click the button and it’s the keybind that doesn’t work.

I checked and confirmed that alt + letters and even alt + anything on numpad works. It’s just the combination of alt + numbers that don’t work. Other modifiers such as ctrl and shift work fine.

The numbers on their own work fine. e.g. I have Spell X bound to keyboard 1 and that works.

I have no idea how I broke the keybinding but if someone can help out i’d really appreciate it!

Are you using the number keys along the top of your keyboard or using the numeric keys on the numeric keypad? The numeric keypad keys can change based on the Num Lock on your keyboard and the operating system recognizes Alt-1 with Num Lock on as different from an Alt-1 with num lock off.

Yeah, I discovered this after using the default num lock button to auto run.

There’s a very small app for PC’s called “NumLocker” that’ll allow you to set the NumLock key (and a couple of others) to a fixed value that won’t change if you press the button. I recommend it if you use the numpad for play.

EDIT: Sorry, guys. I’m such a noob. There was an issue with one of my usb ports. I thought to try a different one and it seems to work! Sorry for the unneeded thread!


Good news! Glad you figured it out! While we’re on the subject, I always try to look and see if a key combo is bound to something outside of WoW. For example, I don’t have to tell you why it is a bad idea to keybind something to alt+F4.

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Hahaha, I was actually trying to figure out if alt+numbers are working outside of WOW when I checked the keyboard!