Help with DH transmog?

Can anyone help me put together a transmog that looks like a copy of Loramus Thalipedes from Vanilla WoW? I love those old school style demon hunters and I think he just looks too cool

Helps to put in a picture or at least a link.

Get Mogit. Tmog addon that lists every item in game. You can put together a look by starting with anything. Shoulders, weapons, helm. Loramus looks pretty simple so shouldn’t be too hard to find close pieces.

Sorry my bad, I was trying to link it and was having issues

Use the ` around your links and you can post it.

it will look like this

Oh okay got it, thank you!

Do you have any suggestions for shoulders? I was bumbling around on Wowhead last night and today and am havin trouble find a close match

I’ve seen similar shoulders, hands and feet. Not sure what glaive n pants are that color but I’m pretty sure you can get very close in appearance. Gl!

I don’t, sorry.

I don’t play leather classes as much as others, so I don’t have much in the way of transmogs for leather.

What Loramus is wearing is a bunch of stuff that is no longer obtainable or is unequippable by demon hunters. The only comment I’ll make on the glaives is that like most of the in game glaive models they aren’t obtainable by players.

Skirt: I couldn’t find a reference for this, but I believe that it’s one of the leather kilts from the original version of either Wailing Caverns of Blackfathom Deeps.
EDIT: The skirt is an exact match for the BOTTOM HALF of the Robe of Volatile Power. A cloth piece. However the robe comes with a muscle shirt.

Shoulders: Mercurial Pauldrons (mail) or Runic Plate Shoulders (Plate, obviously) Wowhead doesn’t list any alternate sources for leather that I could find.

Belt: Mercurial Girdle. Mail world drop. There are several recolours of this model, but they’re all mail.

Gloves: Mercurial Gauntlets. Again, mail world drop.

Boots:? I didn’t bother looking, because honestly they’re brown shoes and I have more respect for you than that.

Blindfold: I’m absolutely positive that this was in the game at some point, but I was unable to find a reference for it.