Help with cast/stopcast macro

Trying to figure out how to write this, maybe as a cast sequence?

Essentially aiming for

/cast The Hunt

and if pressed a second time, /stopcasting The Hunt.

So I can quickly cancel the cast if needed, but on the same key.

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You cannot target specific spells with /stopcasting it just stops whatever you’re currently casting.

/cast The Hunt
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not sure if this will work

/stopmacro [channeling: The Hunt]
/cast The Hunt

just curious

/stopmacro just prevent further execution of the macro, it doesn’t stop any actions that are in progress.

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Looking at the description on Wowhead, it appears to be an instant cast spell but sounds like it has a long animation. You may not have the ability to cancel the attack animation once it’s started.

This might work,

#showtooltip The Hunt
/stopcasting [mod]
/cast [nomod] The Hunt

If you hold down a modifier key (shift/ctrl/alt assuming those are not part of a keybinding), activating the macro will stop a spell that’s in the process of being cast, otherwise it casts the hunt. Unfortunately, /stopcasting may not work since the cast time of the spell is instant and I’m not sure you can cancel an ability/spell after the cast time completes.

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I got it working, thanks everyone.

#showtooltip The Hunt
/cast The Hunt

First button press starts the cast, second press stops it.


I was just trying to use /stopcasting, and it seems like it doesn’t work on anything I have tried. Not without multi-pressing the macro key, so defeating the purpose.
I was just trying on my mage, for example;
/cast Ice Barrier (or Frost Nova, or any other instant spell…)

Now, if I bind that to a key, and cast something, like Frost Bolt, which is a 1.8 second cast, then 1/2 way through the cast, hit my new Ice Barrier macro key, it stops the FB cast, but doesn’t do the Ice Barrier, unless I keep tapping the key.
There should be no CD from completing the 1.8 second cast, because I canceled it, but still, it doesn’t do my instant spell.
So, what’s the point? I either have to keep hitting the key, or move first to stop the cast, then do my instant, completely negating the need for /stopcasting.

Unless I’m missing something, is this correct?
Is there another way to do it, or another use for /stopcasting that I am not seeing?
The only thing I can think of is if I need to cancel a spell that you can’t normally cancel by movement or other obvious means.

You’re still GCD locked half way through a Frostbolt cast and iirc stopcasting bypasses the SpellQueueWindow so it won’t queue up the 2nd spell. Try it with something that’s off the GCD, should work.

Thanks, so I guess it’s impossible.
If the GCD still applies, you would probably never, or very rarely, want to abort the cast, if it’s going to take the time anyway. Probably only to move, or to not kill something.

I wanted to change my bubble shield to pop immediately, but looks like it can’t be done.
I will play with the timing a little more. I thought if I moved a little to stop whatever long cast I am doing (Frost Bolt, etc), then the bubble would go immediately, removing that GCD theory, but maybe it was just queuing up and firing off after the GCD, and if that’s the case, there’s no way I know of to do it in a macro, because it’s not going to queue like a keypress.

Thank you for this. Works perfectly.

you have to do twice in macros

for steady shot for hunters

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