Help with Bartender4 status bar size issue

I’ve used Bartender4 for years, but since early on in DF, the status bar has been screwed up, with no acknowledgement or fix from the dev. This is what it looks like in game:

The colored portion of the experience bar doesn’t go all the way across the area between the gryphons like it always has before.

I’ve tried looking in the files, but I can’t find anything that will fix this issue (and I’m not that great at programming anyway… php was my thing not Lua). Can anyone help me out here? This is driving me nuts.

Edit: Here’s some more info that might make sense to someone more familiar with Lua:

Edit2: After more digging, I came across this on MMOChampion:

but I have no idea where to put this fix in the file to make it work!

I don’t Bartender so…

While not a permanent fix, you could try

/run local w, h = MainStatusTrackingBarContainer.BarFrameTexture:GetSize() for k, v in pairs(MainStatusTrackingBarContainer.bars) do v:SetSize(w-6, h-6) v.StatusBar:SetSize(w-6, h-6) end

Oh, awesome! That worked perfectly, so for now I will put that into a macro and just use it when I log in. Thank you!