Help With "Back" Arrow Key - W 10

Hi, Folks

I sure hope someone can help me. My “back” arrow at the very top on the left (follow address bar to the left till you see your own) is so dim I can hardly see it. I feel sure I hit a combination of keys which caused this, but have not been able to find the right one to make it back to bright again.

It’s not a WoW game problem, but it’s aggravating to the point where I have to “guess” where that arrow might be.

Can someone help me, please?


What browser are you using?

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Sorry Illystra,

It is Google.

Np. I’ve been looking at this problem from Firefox which also has light grey arrows. What I found in Firefox is themes. The default is use what the O/S wants. Firefox lets me disable this default. If I enable ‘dark’ theme, it changes the window from grey/black type on white background, to white on black background. I’m hoping you might have a similar feature in Google Chrome. Hope this helps.

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The back button of a browser is usually dim when there is no webpage to go back to. Is it dim on a newly opened tab?

Other than that, I would just change to a brighter theme. Click on the 3 dots on the right → Settings → Appearance → Themes

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Illystra and Earthie,

Thanks very much for helping me with this problem and you’re right: it is dim on a new tab, and stays on dim when I check my mail to the point of having to guess where the arrow would be if I could see it. I will try a new theme and report back.

PS: Right now, on the forums, it is dim. The only thing visible is the “refresh”

Reporting Back: My new “theme” (hoping that is what you meant) is changed to “Turf Green”, but that made no difference. I’m still “guessing”, but it’s not as bad as it was.

What I am doing now is starting at the refresh icon and moving slowly left until I see the faint image of another circle. I click it and the advisory “click to go back, hold to see history” appears, I click on that and it takes me back a page.

I still don’t think I should have to work that hard though, so I did a virus/malware scan and I am fine there.

So that leaves me with the idea that a Windows Update may have caused this. I honestly don’t know, but I did a google search and although there were very few answers, I did try one of them: Place the cursor in the left bottom corner and sweep it upward diagonally to the right top corner. I don’t know what that was supposed to accomplish, but I’ll bet y’all can guess, right?

I appreciate everyone’s help!

hm… try the “high contrast “ theme and see if that helps

you can also try to do a factory reset of the browser: 3 dots → settings → advanced → reset, but you will lose all your saved items