Help with All-in-one Warlock drain Macro

/use [nomod][@mouseover,nodead,harm][nodead,harm]Drain Life;[mod:shift][@mouseover,nodead,harm][nodead,harm]Drain Soul;[mod:ctrl][@mouseover,nodead,harm][nodead,harm]Drain Mana;[mod:alt][@mouseover,nodead,harm][nodead,harm]Shoot

Why does this macro not work when the modifier is pressed when a target is moused over or targeted? It stays on Drain Life and does not cycle to the others when the modifier is pressed.

You need nomod inside the other 2 conditional fields. [nomod][@mouseover,nodead,harm][nodead,harm] is basically saying if no mod is pressed, we’ll cast on target, else if any mod is pressed we’ll skip on over to mouseover, and then back to target again if they are not dead.

Can you give me a typed-out example of what you mean by that, please?

I’m in arena so I can’t review this too much
/use [@mouseover,nomod,nodead,harm][nomod,nodead,harm]Drain Life;[mod:shift][@mouseover,nodead,harm][nodead,harm]Drain Soul;[mod:ctrl][@mouseover,nodead,harm][nodead,harm]Drain Mana;[mod:alt][@mouseover,nodead,harm][nodead,harm]Shoot

Thank you very much for the help, that did the trick!

You’ll need to do the same for the mod:shift, mod:ctrl, and mod:alt ones as well

Moved the nomod portion to the end to cut nomod out, and removed some of the nodead conditionals from the nonmouseover targeting to keep it within 255.

/use [@mouseover,mod:shift,nodead,harm][mod:shift,harm]Drain Soul;[@mouseover,mod:ctrl,nodead,harm][mod:ctrl,harm]Drain Mana;[@mouseover,mod:alt,harm][mod:alt,harm]Shoot;[@mouseover,nodead,harm][harm]Drain Life

Removed the harm from the non-mouseovers so the tooltips work properly.

/cast [mod:shift,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [mod:shift] Drain Soul; [mod:ctrl,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [mod:ctrl] Drain Mana; [@mod:alt,mouseover,harm,nodead] [mod:alt] Shoot; [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Drain Life

Thank you Elvenbane, yours did the trick! Mouseover works now!