Help with a Prowl/Cat/Moonkin macro

Hey guys, I was wondering if I can get some help with this macro. It mostly works except the only thing I want it to not do is switch to Moonkin when not in combat.

/cast [nostealth, nocombat] !Prowl
/cast [nostance, combat][stance:1/2/3] Moonkin Form
/castsequence [combat] Sunfire, Moonfire, Cat Form

Right now, it will dismount me and I will prowl when not in combat. If I press it again, it will change me to moonkin. I don’t want Moonkin unless I am combat.

Any ideas?

/cast [noform:4,combat] Moonkin Form
/castsequence [combat] Sunfire, Moonfire, Cat Form; [nostealth] Prowl

Oh that’s great. One other question. Can a condition be added that if I am mounted (or travel form) and get into combat that I switch to Cat form first rather than Moonkin? Not sure if this is doable but was just wondering?

/cast [combat,mounted] [combat,form:5] Cat Form; [combat,noform:4] Moonkin Form
/castsequence [combat] Sunfire, Moonfire, Cat Form; [nostealth] Prowl

I think 5 is Travel; if not, just adjust the number.

Oh thanks. I’ll try it. On another note…Elvenbane…um you the same Elvenbane that was occasionally pugging with Defiance (was on Korgath)? Thrillin? Sodina? Kialla? Etc ring any bells?



Hey Hi! Small world! It’s Keenee (warlock).

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