Help Understanding the Profession Changes

Trying to come back from basically 9.0.1 (killed Denathrius last time I played) and I am super confused how profession work now.

I am Alch and Herb, maxed out the skill levels of both but only have basic health and mana potions that I can make.
Wild Experiment unlocks new recipes but every time I use it just explode and get told to wait, am I missing something? Is there an item I need to use in the option section to unlock new recipes?

There also seems to be a skill tree (!) for professsions as well. I have a few points but have no idea how I got them and how to get more. The only thing I did notice was the ‘First Craft’ bonus gives me one skill point but I need probably 200 points for one spec alone. How do I get more of these?

I did end up finding the profession gear and see that there are new stats, where can I see my totals for these?
Is there a way to target specific stats as well? all the gear I have found on the auction house just gives the same stats so is there really any point to me trying to upgrade these?

They changed the model last expansion. I don’t like it much.

You really need to read youself into it.

WoW-Professions will help with the most efficient basic levelling

But Wowhead will go into more about the specializations

Apart from that, I suggest YouTube searches for The War Within Professions or The War Within Alchemy

I checked out a few of the Youtube videos, and nothing against the creators, basically say what is optimal to achieve certain goals like money making or self-sustain. I didnt really find anything that explains what the Knowledge Points come from or how to obtain them.
Will certainly check out the links you provided though, thank you.

I feel like there is a whole new set of currency for just crafting alone and I don’t understand half of it. I haven’t even begun to look into where I get acuity from but it seems like its is an important (and gated?) currency when making higher level recipes.
Does this mean I can no longer be the one who crafts things for all my alts and friends considering I just wont have enough materials to make them?

The comments here may help with Acuity

Rather than start a new topic I figured I would just ask here.

I have 3 characters I like to play regularly, Blacksmithing Tailoring and Alchemy. Now that I understand the Knowledge Points are gated weekly, would my other characters loose out on the knowledge if I do not cap them weekly?
Or would I be able to exceed the weekly cap based on weeks I did not gather knowledge points on them?

As far as I know, there is no weekily cap. If you think there is, do please point me to your source for this.

What there is, is a limited opportunity to earn points each week.

This page from WoW-Professions lays it out quite well. I think

Apologies if my terms were off, I am using conjecture to reach the conclusion of a ‘weekly cap’.
For instance, I have not logged into my Tailoring character since the launch. According to the chart you sent I should be able to get 17 KP each week; I am implying that that is a cap one cannot exceed.

This then leads me to believe that if I skip a week and do not get any KP on the Tailor, I will be at week 2 of the game with a total possible 17 KP where a player who obtained their KP for both weeks would be at 34 KP.
(I am not including the one time source treasures in this example for simplicity).

Is there a system that would allow my Tailor to get those 17 points that were missed, or would I always be slightly behind on maxing out my professions?

I also find the chart a little off from my findings in game. My Alch/Herb is currently sitting at 69 KP allocated in herbalism. Yes, I did have and use Early Access, but that still would mean I should only have 13 * 2 = 26 total KP.
I did also get all of the one time profession treasures for herb, six in total each giving 3 points. 6 * 3 = 18.
That means I should be limited to only having 26 + 18=44 KP but I can clearly see I have 69 allocated.

The reason I am asking is purely to know if before reset should I be leveling my other characters to not fall behind, or can I wait and not have to stress about doing it each week.

Edit: just fixing the math examples which brought in weird styling.

Apart from the weekly gains, there are also one-off Treasures that grant KP, once per character.

I assume the extra you have is from them.

A list is here:

Yep, those have been included in my math above as well.
I could be mistaken though on re-reading the chart and it may be indicating the count of sources for KP, not the actual value of KP you gain.

Either way, question still stands and sounds like there is no catch up mechanic. If I start a new character a month into the expansion they will forever and always be behind on KP acquisition.

Maybe you got KP from First Crafts as well?

Anyhow, AFAICS, we have no catch-up system yet, but the WoW-Professions page suggests, without any solid evidence, that we probabloy will (because they did that last time.)

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Thank you so much for sticking with me on this, you have been a ton of help finding me answers.

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