Help! UI macro for Rated Solo Shuffle

I need some-body. Not just any-body. You know I need a pro!
Okay so beatles references aside; I’m trying to actually accomplish something in this thread. The way it stands now, I have queue for random-battlegrounds bound to my left arrow key. Sadly I don’t have anything bound to my right arrow-key. Now because of this; I really only care about random battle-grounds and don’t take rated solo shuffle as serious as how is common amongst other wow players… (tldr)

I would like to bind queue me up for rated solo shuffle to my right arrow key so I don’t have to touch my mouse again. Gross.

I know there is a way to bring up the naming conventions of the UI to display as normal text. If anyone has that it would help; as I don’t know if binding these two things is possible with the Blizzard UI (I have limited experience)

If this does work; and you have the macro that will bind me to rated solo shuffle; can and would you share this great knowledge with me; it would save me a lot of Time. Otherwise if you have the console command to bring up the text names of the different UI variables… that would also help because then I could do it myself!

If I find the macro I’ll be sure to share it on this forum.
Thanks for the read!

edit: a word was replaced. (it’s capitalized)

inb4FIRST: the command/tool was /fstack

I don’t think it’s going to work. I keep getting a force taint strong violation which made me realize it’s probably because bots exists.

Sorry! For other things too!

The desired end result is a bit vague (to me at least) so this may not be exactly what want. Maybe get’s you some of the way there.

/run PVEFrame:Show() PVEFrameTab2:Click() PVPQueueFrameCategoryButton2:Click() ConquestFrame.RatedSoloShuffle:Click("LeftButton")

Might need to be run twice on initial login?

I probably should have shared what I came up with… one sec:
(here’s my attempt)
/run TogglePVPUI()
/click ConquestJoinButton

In the end that runs JoinRatedSoloShuffle() which is a protected function so it’s going to require clicking the Blizz. button to do the actual join.

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Okay so what your macro does (something doesn’t add up to me)

Is open the pvp window, selects the button, (term)

What I’d like the process to be is.
(alpha) 1. open pvp window 2. select solo shuffle 3. queue 4 hide pvp window (term)
So there is no spoilage of the immersion. For some raisin, unbeknownst to me… my macro is producing results that I can not explain. Huh. Aliens. Anyway.

A macro that’s like it, but works for the battleground honor side is

/run TogglePVPUI()
/click HonorFrameQueueButton
/run TogglePVPUI()
/click PVPReadyDialogEnterBattleButton

I might be able to piece this one together with the puzzle pieces you gave me. It’s like I’m doing a jigsaw puzzle or something. What a vexing problem!

With your help I reached the same conclusion… it’s probably that way to counter botting.

/run TogglePVPUI()
/click PVPQueueFrameCategoryButton2
/click ConquestJoinButton
/run TogglePVPUI()

throws force taint strong error

Indeed. The only way to avoid an error is to physically click the button with your mouse. It can’t be done programatically otherwise you would just /run JoinRatedSoloShuffle() and be done with the rest of it.

…but I don’t want to exist physically anymore. I want to exist Chi-onically like my Vell-os master.