[HELP] Targeting & Next Target Macro

Hi, I use a Macro right now that targets enemies that I can harm, and that are not dead. I use this on all my macros.
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cleartarget [dead]

Can anyone help me edit the macro, that would target the next enemy, like, use a spell and then tab target basically.

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cleartarget [dead]
/cast Moonfire

In short, I want to also tab to the next target after I’ve cast Moonfire, then switch targets.

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I generally clear before targeting.

/cleartarget [dead][noharm][mod:ctrl]
/target [dead][noharm][mod:ctrl]

I also don’t put that in every macro. I put that (and a few other things) in a marco and drop that on a button somewhere out of the way (Button1 in this example) and then put this in each of my targeted attack macros:

/click Button1
/cast MyAttackSpell

That makes it very easy to set up changed target priorities for those encounters that need them - drop a DIFFERENT targeting macro on that button (which you can do even in combat if you’re not doing it with Lua).

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Will /target cycle through mobs? I really want a macro that cycles through mobs as I press the button?

No but /targetenemy which you’re currently using does. Just remove the conditions on it.

/cast Moonfire

Thank you very much Elvenbane, Ill give this a try, you have been a great help.

/targetenemy behaves exactly as does the tab key.
/targetenemy 1 (any integral value 1 or higher) behaves exactly as does the tab key with the shift key held down.
/targetenemy [mod:shift] 1;0 should behave exactly like the tab key (including shift behavior) but would allow you to embed it in an attack macro (I haven’t actually tested this one yet).
/target requires a unit to target.


Thank you very much you’re a life saver.

I am having a difficult time as a rogue to tab target. Any help would be appreciated. Tab target gives me anything in the area, even if it’s far from me. So frustrated.