I havent played retail in over 10 years. Bought lastest expansion and trying to figure out how the hell I get to island of dorn. Every video Ive seen shows people accessing it though Dalaran. When I got to Dalaran and attempt to find the room they are entering from I see nothing like what it looks like in videos in dalaran. WTH am I doing wrong?
Welcome back!
What level is your characterthat you are trying to get to Khaz Modan on?
You need to be level 70. Maybe you are on a level 70, but posting on a 51?
If you log in on a level 70 in Stormwind, Orgrimmar, or Valdrakken (and probably other places) you should get the starting quest for The War Within pushed to you on a big “What’s New” splash screen that you absolutely can’t miss.
If you are on a 70 that did not get the quest, please post the name and realm. Is it a 70 that you boosted, or did you level it?
I started a new character from scratch and he is now level 70, I wanted to experience the entire leveling process.
thanks for responding in advance
OK, so obvious first step is log out and log in again on your 70, to see if that brings up the announcement.
The quest you are looking for is The War Within
that leads you to a phased Dalaran, which is why neither of the normal Dalarans do anything for you.
OK I do have a one time use portal to Silithus from a quest I did, thank you I hope this solves my issue
If it doesn’t solve it, post again with the name and realm of your character, and from the quests taken and done we should be able to pin down the problem.
Thank for your help, Ill post back once I try this out
There’s no solution I can find for this obvious bug. I have a ticket into Blizzard.
I was there, did some quests, and took the portal back to SW.
Them when I went to the portal room, to port back to Dorn, there’s no portal.
I can see other people using it, and I can see it on my main, and others toons, but not this one.
There’s no scroll, because it got consumed.
I have been all over, the docks, Silithus, Dalaran, everything I can think of, and there’s just no way to get back.
The top of my quests list even says to continue the TWW campaign in Dorn. There’s just no way to get there.
I have read, that once you complete it on another toon, the portal should be there. It is NOT.
I am having this problem. No solution, put in a ticket and was referred to this link, which provides no solution to my character’s problem…