I’m on one of my alts and thought I’d like to get another alt to make me a ring. I have one Splintered Spark (no complete ones) but cant seem to figure out how to get another one. I’m sure it was easier before but perhaps I’ve just forgotten how it works?
In Season 3, the splintered Sparks do not drop from any rares or treasures as catch up. So even though you get the most current Spark form the Emerald Dream, there is no way to get additional catch-up Sparks from the open world.
Additionally, only M+ dungeons seem to be dropping catch-up Sparks in Season 3 (and not Heroic dungeons as in Season 2).
I also have not seen any catch-up Sparks drop directly from unrated PvP, other than the current Spark from Malicia’s weekly. Not sure how to confirm this.
If you are a casual player that needs to catch up, your best bet is to do LFR as each boss has a high chance of dropping a catch-up Spark. Season 3 definitely has fewer opportunities to earn Sparks than Seasons 1 and 2 did.
All 9 raid bosses seem to have a good chance of dropping Sparks if you are behind.
We are currently at 19 Splintered Sparks (including the intro quest). You can only get more than that if you bought extras with Vault tokens at some point.
Did you do the quest from Moonberry or whatever that Fae faerie is in Emerald Dream? She gives you one to go along with your first one to finish the quest for a full one.
Keep in mind, it costs 250 flightstones to make a full Spark, too.
I said in a comment that I did do the Moonberry one, but it was not the first time I’d done it (as in part of the introduction quests). All I got was general items that you get in that zone. And I generally have a fair few flightstones as I don’t use them a lot.
The one I got was from the big Renown guy near the tent.
Others have said you can get it in LFR. Right now Im not up to any sort of raid due to my hand issues, but maybe I can do some when Im a bit better.
Do you mean Hibernus or whatever his name is? I can’t recall ever getting one from him. Certainly not the couple of alts who did him today.
A took a few alts to the ED and “Dreams Unified” was not available from Moonberry. I did hand in “A Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens” and got a splintered spark from that one. So Im still very confused as to why I am not seeing the Dreams Unified quest, and I continue to be confused about just how these things are earned. I dunno, maybe Im just slow but not sure why this all has to be so complicated.
That dreams unified quest is only available one time per character, and its been a while but I think you may need to do a couple little intro quests before its available.
There are 4 main things you want to do in Emerald Dream each week;
The World Boss
The quest for 1500 rep
The superbloom quest (right next to the tree dude)
The quest to plant 5 seeds - ideally get each seed to 50%, thats when you get the rep and drake crests.
As others have said, the main spark catch-up is unfortunately through m+ and LFR.
As I said in a comment, I did the world boss (Aurostor) on a couple of toons, I got not Splintered spark from him.
And yes, I did that.
I havent done the superbloom lately, cant recall if I got one from the 5 seeds.
As I said in a comment, I am not raiding at this time due to having a very sore hand, so I cant play much, especially doing stuff that requires a lot of movement using the mouse and keyboard for constant attacking. I was asking more for what stuff outside group content got it.
It’s LFR. There is not a lot of movement required, and you can do half your rotation and beat the boss, since everyone has overgeared it by A LOT with the current gearing system.