[Help] Prot Pally Blessing macro

Looking to create a mod macro for Prot Pally’s Blessings utility, but not sure if this will work without testing live. I want to cast one of these abilities on a friendly target, and BoF on myself if no friendly target.

/cast [noexists,nodead][@target,harm][mod:shift]Blessing of Sacrifice; [mod:alt]Blessing of Protection; Blessing of Freedom; [@player]Blessing of Freedom

The portion you’ve written for Sac is weird:

  • If you don’t have a target and they’re not dead, cast Sac
    • on yourself assuming Auto Self Cast is enabled, which will throw an error because you can’t Sac yourself
  • If your target is an enemy, cast Sac on the enemy
    • will throw an error because hostile target’s aren’t valid
  • If you’re holding shift, cast Sac
    • the only valid condition in the bunch

What actual functionality are you after?

I’d like to cast [shft]Sac/[alt]BoP/[none]BoF on a friendly tar, otherwise just BoF on myself

EtA: that’s what I get for trying to let AI write a macro for me :joy:

/cast [mod:shift,@target] Blessing of Sacrifice; [mod:alt,@target] Blessing of Protection; [help] [@player] Blessing of Freedom

If you want to get more complex with it:

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Ah, there it is, I must have skimmed right by it. Thanks again!!