Looking to create a mod macro for Prot Pally’s Blessings utility, but not sure if this will work without testing live. I want to cast one of these abilities on a friendly target, and BoF on myself if no friendly target.
/cast [noexists,nodead][@target,harm][mod:shift]Blessing of Sacrifice; [mod:alt]Blessing of Protection; Blessing of Freedom; [@player]Blessing of Freedom
The portion you’ve written for Sac is weird:
If you don’t have a target and they’re not dead, cast Sac
on yourself assuming Auto Self Cast is enabled, which will throw an error because you can’t Sac yourself
If your target is an enemy, cast Sac on the enemy
will throw an error because hostile target’s aren’t valid
If you’re holding shift, cast Sac
the only valid condition in the bunch
What actual functionality are you after?
I’d like to cast [shft]Sac/[alt]BoP/[none]BoF on a friendly tar, otherwise just BoF on myself
EtA: that’s what I get for trying to let AI write a macro for me
/cast [mod:shift,@target] Blessing of Sacrifice; [mod:alt,@target] Blessing of Protection; [help] [@player] Blessing of Freedom
If you want to get more complex with it:
Multi-modifier Mouseover Macro
Example of how to include multiple spells, differentiated by modifier, including mouseover. Trim it down and change exists
to help
or harm
depending on what you’re actually using it for.
/cast [mod:ctrl,@mouseover,exists,nodead] [mod:ctrl] CTRL_SPELL; [mod:shift,@mouseover,exists,nodead] [mod:shift] SHIFT_SPELL; [mod:alt,@mouseover,exists,nodead] [mod:alt] ALT_SPELL; [@mouseover,exists,nodead] [] SPELL
Note: Keybinds take priority over macro modifiers. By default SHIFT 1-6 are bound to Action Page 1-6 and CTRL 1-6 are bound to your pet bar. You’ll need to unbind any conflicts to use them as macro modifiers.
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Ah, there it is, I must have skimmed right by it. Thanks again!!