Help please with reinstalling

I was wondering if someone could please help me with reinstalling and the WOW launcher.
Having a bit of issues over the past month (and today not being able to log in at all), I recently tried uninstalling (by following the mac os directions from a blizzard forum post) and clearing some things out as I couldn’t get to launch anymore and when it did, it would not download any updates.
Upon doing so, I now can’t seem to get anything back at all and the launcher keeps telling me “We can’t connect you to the Blizzard patch service. Please check your internet and try again” - Well, everything else is working fine as far as connectivity here (yes with full restart of router and such)…
Also… if someone could possibly speak to me in layman’s terms and/or dumb dumb speech so I could fully grasp this issue as I am a bit on the slower end of mental processing speed.
Any help appreciated.
Thank you!

What OS version are you on?

Heya Teirynnis,

As Rockadee suggested, OS updates are important. Especially for Mac OS. If the device is compatible please be sure to grab the most up to date release Apple offers.

If you have any third party security software, disabling them temporarily would be ideal as well.

Beyond that, I do also highly recommend the instructions here for reinstalling a clean copy of the launcher.