Help Please - Cannot swap first pet

Hello, I am having the same issues as the European player in the link below. However, the fix was never explained clearly so I am reaching out here (on the American forums because I do not have a European character and cannot reply there) to see if anyone can help me figure this out?

My problem is that I cannot swap my first tamed pet (a ram) in the stables. Every time I make the first slot in the stables a devilsaur, and then call a pet, a ram will either spawn along with the devilsaur. Or if I stable the ram completely and then summon, I am only able to summon one pet instead of two (devilsaur only).

Can anyone explain to me like iā€™m five on how to fix this please?

Thanks in advance!

As a BM, go to stable master and the pet who is all the way to the right in the single circle will always be up no matter what pet you summon, the 5 circles are for the pets you want to summon on the go.

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Upon logging out and logging back in the stable has removed my ram as default now. However, the stable is still bugged as it does not update pet summons immediately after changing them in the stable.

Thank you so much!

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Hope it helps!

It worked perfectly! Thanks again!

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