Help Needed in Outland

Hello, Emerald Dream! I don’t know if this is the appropriate place to post this request, but I need some help. Two days ago, I encountered the lich Naberius in a ruined chapel in the Netherstorm. I’ve been traveling as a solo healer ever since I left the Exodar, and I know for a fact that this fiend is out of my league. I need at least two brave souls to assist me if there is any chance of putting this monster to rest.

If anyone is willing to lend a hand, please let me know. I’m usually online between 6 and 9pm EST, and I have TRP3 loaded up if anyone is into RP. I don’t have much to offer as a reward except some spare potions and my own availability as a healer.

Thank you.


I’ll keep an eye out for your when I’m on and see if we can’t spread the good word of the Light to this heathen thing.

(if this is a quest) I kin aid ye Madam Bluewoman.

(if this is just an rp thing) I kin ‘ead oot there miss. I ain’ sure 'ow ta get ow there, but I kin try. Netherstom 'ounds loike gud plase ta get gud pictures ta send me wife. - Coradmin Flamestorm, Dark Iron Explorer

(level hasn’t updated I think I am 67 )

Thank you both!

Yeah, it’s both an OOC request and, I hope, an opportunity for some RP. I’m new to the server, the forums, and well, all of it. Wasn’t sure on the forum etiquette.

I’ll be hanging around Stormwind most nights starting at about 6pm EST. Please Whisper me if you’d like to meet up.

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(( Hi Joenn! Welcome to the server! :slight_smile: I’ll keep an eye out for you in Stormwind! If you’re interested, check out the Alliance ED RP discord here to find out about RP events and meet folks! )) -