Help my wife and me

My wife has a few questions I can’t answer sufficiently:

  1. If sylvanas made a deal with the jailer at the end of Wotlk how did garrosh end up in revendreth?

My idea is that “death being broken” didn’t occur until around wod Era.

My question is:

  1. Sylvanas obviously hadn’t been evil enough to justify going to the maw at the end of Wotlk so was she intercepted due to a latent connection to frostmourne (having died and been twisted by it her first time) to end up in the maw?

It actually broke some time during Legion.
Hint: Ysera died in Legion and ended up in Ardenweald.
Nes who burned in the prepatch however ended up in the Maw. So somewhere between.

This is one big open question. We don’t even know for sure if she was in the Maw in edge of night, we just assume it.
Her destination would have been Ravendreth.

One possibility could be that Arthas intentionally linked sylvanas to the maw just out of pure spite. (He didn’t with Uther)

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I wqs wondering if I had missed something but the whole sylvanas thing will be a while in settling I suppose.

It broke during legion according to Blizz.

I think the running theory is that Arthas going to the Maw screwed everything up. It gave the jailor just enough slack in his leash to contact Sylvanas.

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tbh the title of this thread sounded pretty dire. lol
Glad it was just lore questions, makes sense in here anyway.


ouuhh that is interesting.
Never thought about that. The way how Anima works, Arthas could have been a star worth of Stygia to empore the jailer enough.

Espeically since normally souls that end up in the maw are pretty sucked dry by the venthyr.


Continuing the discussion from Help my wife and me:

Garrosh was processed before the machine of death broke.

Blizzard revealed during one their interviews that the machine broke during the events of Legion.

We currently don’t know the exact metric of the machine of death to determine who goes were.

If Sylvanas did end up in the Maw from outside influence then it’s possible that Val’kyr slide her into the Maw, as they were created by the Lich King who was empowered by artifacts of the Maw. Like they did so as part of their gambit to free themselves from Bolvar, who kept them bound in Icecrown, where as Sylvanas would allow them to be free, as long they served her.

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THAT. Is a super cool idea!

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