[help] Mistweaver final talent decision

I am running master of Harmony with haste vers focus.
I am having trouble deciding what to spend my final talent point on.

  • Peer into peace: This makes spreading EnvM faster. Also helps with quickly swapping single target healing but I’m noticing that’s rarely necessary.
  • pool of mists: This is helping me to have much higher uptime on chi harmony. I’m also noticing I don’t need to ramp as long, or really at all ( no hard casting EnvM) as a thunder focused tea + EnvM is almost always enough.
  • secret infusion: it’s harder for me to notice it’s impact. I want to grab the vers it gives, but I find myself using TfT + EnvM more, giving me crit.
  • focused thunder: conceptually this one seems nice, I can get both, CD on rising Sun kick and or 1 or 2 instant EnvM

I’m having trouble deciding. My current opinion is:
1.pools of mist

  • easier uptime of chi harmony
  • easier to slack on ramping
  1. Peer into peace
  • allows faster ramps
  • helps with focused healing swaps (like specific pulls in dawn, grim and seige)
  1. Focused thunder
  • two spells is just helpful. I can spread chi harmony faster or help with a ramp on two instant EnvM
  1. Secret infusion
  • I lose the positives of the other three, but potentially gain 8% more healing if I spend on the correct spell

I am trying to consider both
Easy playstyle – hard playestyle
Low HPS – high HPS
For those options.

Like, is the highest HPS option the hardest to play well? Is the second highest HPS option much easier? What do you suspect the HPS difference would be? If the highest HPS option is played poorly, how much worse would it then be, compared to another option that may be easier?

What works best for me in the final branch is on the left, Jadefire Stomp, Teachings, and the bonus to Jadefire (The BoK cleave thing), from mid I take Peer Into Peace, Secret Infusion, Mending Proliferation, and the celestial haste buff. Finally Jade Empowerment. I always use TFT with renewing mist for a 15% Haste buff.

All those combined with Yu’lon gives me a hybrid where I can fistweave for spot healing and if there’s a situation where I am forced out of melee I’m not screwed, having many options both melee and ranged to heal. Sheiluns at this point is completely ignored. And this is my M+ build, I replace Jadefire fistweaving stuff and Jade empowerment with the gust of mists healing and a couple other things. I’ll edit this later if you want more info.

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I have been attempting to use one point of secret infusion, leveraging the vers for rising Sun kick.
The cooldown helps spread chi harmony.
I noticed I didn’t “need” sheiluns but… I only tested in necrotic, and I’m not sure if sacrificing sheiluns would work in dungeons like city and dawn that have larger burst.

What key levels are you running successfully without sheiluns?

Up to 11s, nobody will invite me for 12s and up and I don’t like posting my own key. This build works for everything I do.

I will admit that City 3rd boss sucks though and I tend to never run City anymore outside of guild groups, which is rare.

Chi Harmony in combination with Rapid Diffusion, Mending proliferation, Peer Into Peace and Renewing Mist Secret Infusion is key, going RM>TFT>RM>EM>EM gives me four chi harmonies with a good 8 or so seconds of 35% haste makes me slap damage away like no one’s business.

This is what so beautiful about Mistweaver now that I wish other healers could have.

We have so many damn options for playstyle.

I’ve been rocking 14s with my own weird homebrewed build that I’ve really been enjoying. Taking rushing wind kick, faeline talents, 150% gust talent, proliferating, rising mist, dance of Chi-Ji over lightning, and pee into peace. And no jade bond.

As for OP: just keep experimenting and see what fits your playstyle best. Compare combinations with a few keys each.

I will say, for peer into peace, I’ve been wanting to try running without it but have been too afraid to lose the ramp speed, next season when the haste budget ceiling increases further I might be able to.

What I don’t understand is what you mean by skipping env ramp with tft env mist, because that won’t get the whole group unless you’re running proliferating. Also pool of mists for chi harmony just seems like it requires a lot of globals, and also seems inferior to me until, again, we can get even more haste. In which case I could probably see a case where pool of mists overtakes peer into peace as haste keeps climbing higher. Even now the cd on rsk rwk feels too high for the cdr to get much value vs resets

I don’t think Pool of mists would ever work for me, my playstyle tends to ignore hard casting Renewing Mist outside of getting the haste buff from TFT. When I first found out Peer Into Peace in season three of dragonflight, it was love at first sight and I never looked back. Wasn’t until Jade empowerment came around that I gave fistweaving another chance, and I treat it more as supplemental healing.

This is the best state MW has been since probably 8.2/8.3 of BFA when we had Memory of Lucid Dreams as an Azerite Echunky. Shadowlands was a dark time. We’re really in a golden age with so many ways you could play it. Although I do miss Dragonflight Sheiluns, as that with Pride was so chonky.

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What do you mean “hard casting” enveloping mists? It’s already instant cast?

So, when I use pool of mists, I can more easily supplement the chi harmony/ enveloping mists that are applied from rising Sun kick.
I find the length of manually applying renewing mists valuable, as it’s length is longer than the risk applied ones.

When I play secret infusion, my rotation feels much more strict if I’m trying to get decent chi harmony/enveloping mist coverage. The downside I’m noticing is that while the healing output is far higher (if I’m spreading the EnvM + renewing mists) the duration is very short.

Pool of mists: more consistent/easier up keep/less strict rotation BUT lower HPS output
Secret infusion: more damage when I’m using TfT on RSK, also 8% more HPS from the vers ( but that’s a little harder to notice compared to the affect of the other talents)

Like you mentioned, peer into peace is a faster ramp which can be helpful, but I suspect it’s a crutch, and when secret infusion gives stats, between those two options, it seems to be speed vs stats.

My final thoughts so far:

  1. peer into peace
  • faster ramp
  1. Pool of mists
  • easier to maintain consistent coverage but lower HPS
  • less gcd to ensure everyone has an enveloping or renewing mists, but higher possibility of not having chi harmony
  1. Secret infusion
  • more flexibility, as you control what stat you get
  • harder, as you don’t gain the positives of pool or peer for the ramps.

I think my problem/hesitancy for picking secret infusion, is that I don’t know how to ramp well.

Can you share your build?

Stat spread is something around 17-18k haste and 7-8k of the rest roughly even

It’s a weird build that has been working surprisingly well so I’ve still been playing with it. And I vastly underestimated the scaling on mastery because it’s not intuitive at all. So I recrafted my neck for some and haven’t been mad about it.

My goal was to figure out a way to really push my healing throughput for big checks while still keeping rushing wind kick to pump dmg. So I abuse proliferating for x3 healing but it’s challenging to do well.

Gust does roughly 26-28% of my overall.

The small tweaks im still playing around with occasionally are.

Healing elixir on cocoon > tft zen pulse (but the zen pulse have been carrying my AOE healing I feel)

Jade Empowerment > dance of Chi-Ji (dance is super flexible and kinda close to the same overall dmg it works since the ppm scales with haste. Downside is Jadefire sck healing isn’t boosted by harmony/env mist for some reason.

Jade Bond/1 min Chi-Ji > peer into peace (still too afraid to do this in a push key cause it changes my ramp timing and it’s super qol especially when fitting into mana tea windows, so I instead just use Chi-Ji when I actually need to)

The soothing mist talents makes statue a really strong hot for maintenance healing which is a nice bonus.

Gameplay loop is I basically just ramp env mist on the 3 DPS and ensure they have harmony then zen pulse heal people up. And I ignore myself largely since healing elixir and expel almost entirely solo heals me.

Sometimes dance of Chi-Ji procs can solo heal random damage so I don’t have to spot heal.

Chi-Ji I use as more of an oh sht button especially for big pulls because RWK split dmg procs gust per target which is op and being removed.

The secret sauce is in pre-ramping my normal ramp. Where I get a max extended env mist on me or the tank (17s max). To get the longest duration proliferating on the group, then normal env mist/harmony ramp. Then the dps are taking x3 healing and every vivify is a LoH.

The 30% teachings healing on RWK and the gust procs do a ton of healing with modifiers out. So I only really lose Jadefire teaching healing on BoK/CJL for the most part. And I can funnel still with dance procs.