I saw this form on a player and was floored by how beautiful it was. I do not play druid but I admit, knowing I could get this form tempts me. It appeared to be a travel form and was a starry blue translucent cat with feathers on it. The player was a worgen. i tried to contact them and ask how to get the form, but they were busy and did not see my chat (or ignored me). I took a photo but frankly can’t figure out how to upload the picture here. I manually searched Wowhead but could not find anything that looked like what was in front of me. Can someone please help?
No, I apologize, I should have given more information. It looked like a cheetah from the Barrens, spotted. It didn’t have any armor, just feathers around its neck and tied into its legs (could have been a barber customization). I did not see any armor. It…looked more like a real cat than most models, I know that’s not very helpful.
Maybe this with a specific toy to make it spectral?
If so it’s travel form with glyph of the cheetah, you can get cheap from the AH, not sure what toy used though. Travel Form Customisation at the Barbershop once learnt.
Yes!! That’s it!!! It’s so beautiful! How did you post a photo? Travel form glyph of the cheetah. The person did not have a toy buff on them but I can dig around more.
Thank you so much!!!
I been on the forums for a long time, but glad I could help, they must of had a toy or buff though to make it spectral theirs no other alternative way.
Yeah i bet it was a toy. I have one that makes you all translucent blue and sticks through any other change