Help me understand SL hate

What about it? Shadowlands has more additional content than any expansion previously - rares, collectibles, exploration, things to do in the open world.

If you don’t want to do any of that stuff… what are you asking for? More mandatory chores you HAVE to do every day, like Legion & BfA?

No thank you.

Plenty of studios have been shipping stuff the past year with zero problems.

And I don’t believe a word that comes out of Ion’s mouth, he’s on record lying to us too many times.


Well this is the third iteration of the same expansion cycle (introduce systems no one asked for, add QOL changes that were pointed out during beta over the next three patches/two years), so this bad way of doing things is even more annoying a third time.


That’s all you got out of that?

I was explaining why they dont gate every single piece of content for two months, which is insane by the way.

What was mandatory every day in Legion? I can remember doing stuff every day, but I cant remember what was mandatory like in BfA and now in SL.

Heck even in SL the only things I can think of that have been “mandatory” has been doing stuff before reset like getting renown done each week. You could maybe throw torghast in there since you do it once a week, get your ash, then repeat the next week, but honestly it was very short lived to get a legendary to max and then nope out when I felt like it.

Artifact Power grind in Legion was far more mandatory than anything in Shadowlands.

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Ain’t that the truth… I know it’s a meme at this point to not like any of the current WoW game directors, but I really feel like he hasn’t been helping the game or situation.

Yeah, hopefully we see something soon. Even a hardcore fan girl like me is starting to question if it’s worth continuing with WoW, and I never thought I’d admit it.

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That’s a hot take if I ever heard one.

I dunno, being able to buy gear you want instead of hoping the stuff you need drops randomly after the match or just grinding out matches until you hit the weekly Conquest cap for an off-hand is nice.

That I can agree with. The stupid cycle of pugs refusing to take inexperienced players and guilds telling their members to pug until they learn the dungeons is why I never got into mythics in the first place, and as far as I know it’s still a prevalent idea in the community at large.

Preach it, sister!

They’re the only way to get the legendaires, so they have that going for them. And Alchemy is never going to not be useful thanks to stat pots.

This is one thing they definitely improved on over BFA; instead of everything scaling to infinite levels with your gear, there are different classes of monster that scale at different rates. So there will always be gribblies who can be easily dealt with when focused, rares/elites who can act as a more realistic target dummy, and the annoying area in between.

But yeah, that’s something I never liked about their execution of scaling the world to player power; at low levels with bad gear, you’re an unstoppable juggernaut. At high levels with great gear, you can pull too many Murlocs and die to a swarm you can’t kill quickly enough. Kinda ruins the reason why people level up and improve their gear.

And I really need to get on with my day now, so I’ma stop reading the forums.


Contrary to popular belief around here, you could “farm” as much or little AP as you wanted over time in Legion. I use the term farm hesitantly, because you got AP naturally as you did stuff.

How do I know? I accumulated AP just fine without having to go out of my way to get it.

Any player who felt they had to farm it set their own personal goal.

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People have such a foggy memory. Someone like a feral druid might be missing like 9% of their damage not having specific artifact traits if they took a week or two off artifact grinding early in the expansion.

Do people think we liked grinding Maw of Souls for AP? No, but there was massive, massive power gated behind some of the traits, ESPECIALLY early on.

Shadowlands is easily the most alt-friendly raid-log friendly “modern” (post-WoD) expansion we’ve had.

You got benched if you didn’t upgrade your artifact. There’s nothing even close to this in Shadowlands.

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same for me, i loved bfa cause i met many fun people during that time

Again, it depends how you played. I had about 8 alts going in Legion and had no problems. I couldn’t even have one alt until a month ago because I was grinding Anima. So, for people who don’t raid or chase high ilvls, Shadowlands has been the most alt unfriendly expansion we’ve ever had.

People need to understand that not everybody plays for ilvl, and that we all have different issues. What you considered “mandatory” artifact power grinding in Legion, I considered irrelevant because I was playing to see all the class stories.

What I don’t like about SL:

  • The covenants don’t fit my concept for my characters, which is more important to me than any temporary silliness the designers come up with. The story has to make me into something I’m not - and don’t want to be - in order for it to work. I’m not dwarf angel, or dwarf vampire LARPer, or dwarf spiky zombie.
  • Flight restrictions still suck.
  • World scaling still sucks.
  • Faction and covenant reward costs are arbitrarily excessive.
  • Professions are not in a good place. Did they forget about pets and mounts? And they could have done something with archaeology besides ignoring it completely. It’s not like we don’t find artifacts in the Maw and turn them in to what’s-her-face.
  • The covenant process can be very time consuming, and thus alt unfriendly.
  • The designers have devalued their current borrowed power and expansion-specific features by treating past borrowed power and expansion-specific features like disposable crap that can be thrown out when an expansion ends. I’m not going to waste more than a minimal amount time on the temporary flavor of covenant hall activities that are already destined for the trash heap.
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People are mad, I personally am enjoying it now that I finally picked a main 7 months in… lol

Stop doing that? You never ever needed to grind Anima at all if you only care about “class stories”. Shadowlands is much more alt-friendly to consuming the Covenant campaign stories than legion was with their artifact/class stories.

Just because you play incorrectly doesn’t mean Shadowlands isn’t alt friendly. It is very, very alt-friendly.

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What the hell are you talking about? I’m talking about the difference between Legion and Shadowlands. You said Shadowlands was alt friendly. I’m saying it’s not because of the way I play (ie, collecting cosmetics)

Legion was alt friendly when I played it for the Class Stories. I’m not trying to play Class Stories now while I’m playing Shadowlands.

I’m trying to show you the difference between playstyles and why some might think Legion was not alt friendly, and some thought Legion was alt friendly (because we didn’t care about a 9% rogue power drop…maybe don’t play that way?)

Some think Shadowlands is alt-friendly, some think it’s not because of differing playstyles/goals in game.

I swear the people that are obsessed with gear and ilvls seem like they are incapable of understanding that all people don’t play like them. Why is there such a mental block?


No, YOU might have gotten benched. I unlocked my artifact abilities over time and did just fine with my performance, but I never once stepped into MoS just for AP because I despise chasing something like that. It obviously wasn’t supposed to be something you had to get all done as quickly as possible.

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Plural you, as in “many people”.

I’m not arguing history with you. This happened. This is not up for debate.

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We don’t know who is on the forums and not. To assume the majority of players that are not on the forums enjoy the game is laughable.

You have to ask yourself why such a steep decline in MAU if this expansion is so well received.

It only happened if you decided you wanted to play that way.

And I’m telling you that is an actual case of a player created issue. Whether it was a case of “this feral on our team isnt doing enough DPS, so we are going to bench them” or “I am 13th on the meter and it sucks, so I gotta go get as much AP as I can before our next raid night”.