Help me understand Raider IO rankings

This is not intended as a pro or anti-RIO post. I just want to be sure I understand how the rankings work. I feel like I’m missing something. I should mention that although RIO has been around for a while I am still somewhat of a returning player who missed the last several expansions before returning for SL, so RIO is new to me personally.

That being said, I am by no means a hardcore M+ player as is obvious to anyone who looks up my profile. I don’t do that many M+ runs. That’s why I’m a little baffled by the rankings.

I looked up my character this morning. Apparently my rather unremarkable RIO score puts me at 38 across all Alliance mages on my server? That doesn’t seem right. I refuse to believe that there are only 37 mages with higher scores than me. Heck, across the whole server, Alliance and Horde, I am still at 77.

My understanding is that RIO looks at every character who does M+ or raids, whether they use RIO or not.

Is my server just dead and the population is really that low on it?

Easy, random website assigns random number based on what M+ etc. you do. Others pretend it measures skill.

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Something doesn’t sound right. At your ilvl there must be at least a couple hundred mage toons above you. I know nothing about how rio works though.

Yes. Your server has a total of 152 alliance mages with an io score…which is really really low. Both factions combined only have 324 mages

Compared to Proudmoore which has 3K alliance mages with an io score

Or Horde on Area 52 which has 7.5K mages with an io score


Raider IO gets M+ completion data from Blizzard and then assigns points for each run based on how fast it was.

  1. Yes, your server is dead.
  2. You are Alliance so M+ competition tends to be less fierce.

Hardly random, the scoring is very clearly defined.

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Let’s see: no m+ at all and can’t even finish LFR. Imagine my shock.

I’m sure I can finish LFR, I just don’t want to. There is nothing in there I need. As far as M+ goes, not a fan and no want to do it. This expansion I’m all about that solo life.

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It’s an empty server, that’s what’cha got.

It measures experience. If you ran keys, you wouldn’t want to waste yours. But you don’t, so talk is cheap.


also incorrect


Yes it measures if you have done the run and if you have timed it etc then gives a random value on that to get the final number.
I said it doesn’t measure SKILL as that is not measurable. People can pay to get boosted in their RIO as it only measures completions.

Nobody cares about skill. This isn’t a talent show. We care about applicants having experienced the content at a similar level of difficulty as they’re applying for. And it’s not random. It’s 10*key level. It measures experience relative to other players.

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You’re in a low population server, the highest mage in Kilrogg is ~1590:

Compare it to my server which is highly populated and the top mage is almost 3k:

It’s the sum of the scores correlating to your best runs from each dungeon.

Also incorrect. If you time a key exactly (there’s one sec left when you finish boss & trash) your score for that dungeon is 10 x key_level, which is then adjusted by the number of seconds you are over/under the allocated time. It’s not random at all.

And some act like they are so skilled and elitist while accomplishing zero content. :rofl:

There is nothing random about it.

repeating your lies over and over won’t magically make them facts, kellyanne.

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Yes that is what they state (and could even be accurate) but I tend to not 100% believe what I read on the interwebs.
RaiderIO like gearscore and other epeen strokers before it is nothing more than a random number so people can exclude others arbitrarily

They’re alternative facts, thankyouverymuch.

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