Not going to waste time with structuring this out to assist you in your life crisis/guild transition. I will just Mike Tyson punch out some reality bullet points to bring to your attention, because it was & it is clear you are oblivious at times.
We know you are new to the game, we tried to assist and coach you a little bit along the way. You took this as an insult and decided to spit out random negative comments to people who were trying to help you. After two attempts of that, we stopped all assistance since it was met with negative remarks & hostility.
I think your performance is unreliable even on your good days. I can bring a level 58 in with Blues/Greens and out heal you… with you being in near bis BWL/AQ gear, in fact we did it multiple times(2 different raid weeks). Again you were oblivious to this and If I recall correctly you were more worried about losing a roll on an offspec item than focusing on healing. #specialrevealtime!!!, It was my very first night healing… ever… literally the first time I healed a raid and or a group. Managed to beat you by a large margin for the whole night, how is this possible? Well its not hard when you don’t even put forth effort.
Tank gear… 5 different times you would show up to raid/boss encounter in the wrong gear. I tried to directly messaged you about it to let you know, but I was ignored. We even made raid jokes to kind of clue you in, still nothing. Sent More direct messages to you just to be simply ignored, and about 45minutes later you would randomly say “oops still in prot gear”. This same night you went AFK two times on boss fights and died to a random mechanics(on purpose? or oblivious?). You could of just asked us to wait before the pull or inform the RL/GM you needed a moment. No information was ever conveyed, just shear negligence & not caring from your end.
It was made quite clear from the start, the roster runs at 40+ people to ensure we can aim for a full 40man raid and not a 35/30man raid. This was emphasized through out the multiple months you were with us. We often talked about why we run 40+ during current content, and was not limited to anyone or any class. We also never asked people to bench/sit two weeks in a row. You would still earn full EPGP for being available on bench during the raid time. Oblivious to your situation in which you signed up for.
Funny how this was omitted from your discussion in here. I am surprised you never mentioned your racial microaggressions (3 total) & sexist remarks/insults (6 total, you also managed to offend every female in the guild multiple times to the point where they didn’t want to group with you). Again another instant of you being oblivious to your own manners & attitude? Why is it that you would only do this when no other officers/GM’s were not around for the ‘off night’ ZG/AQ20 runs? Are you that small minded or just get off on being hateful & rude. Because these were not joking remarks…not in the least.
No guild is perfect, it doesn’t exist. Everyone has their ups and downs. Personalities will always clash at times. Everyone does things differently in life & in game. I am not sure what more you are wanting from a guild? We tried to work with you, but you choose to work against us. We gave you multiple months improve & gave you the tools to improve , but you have 0 drive. Your personality and shear rudeness at times is very appalling and not good for raid morale. I personally didn’t think you would last past month two, others spoke out and they wanted to give you a fair shot. But… at the end of the day you just want to be carried & coddled, so you can remain oblivious to what is going on around you.
With everything mentioned above, why are you so Pikashocked.jpg when it came around to Naxx time??? I sure do hope your new guild reads this.
Good Luck.