Help me understand dungeon/raid difficulties

I’m trying to look it up but somehow couldnt find a nice collected post on the subject

raids have 3 difficulties (4 if you count lfr) while dungeons have 2, normal and mythic right?
What about mythic+ dungeons? Are those still mythic dungeons with a twist, or are they actually a level above mythic dungeoms?
If i understand it correctly they are like greater rifts in diablo right? with higher number meaning higher difficulty and/or shorter timers. Is there a limit to how high the + can go?

with respect to raids, normal raids are 10 players, heroic 30, mythic is 20 is that right?

then how about npc scaling? normal raids probably have the lowest hp mobs since its the easiest difficulty and also with the least number of players.
but what about heroic? are the mobs just mythic scaling but the group gets 10 extra players to deal with the encounter? or are mobs still scaled differently from a mythic raid?
What about boss abilities? I know some bosses behave different in lfr/normal compared to mythic, but does the pattern change from heroic to mythic?


Normal, Heroic, Mythic, and Mythic+

Mythic+ Dungeons scale the health and damage dealt by enemies higher and higher based on the level of the Keystone you use to active the dungeon. At certain level thresholds, an affix is added on top of that % increase, adding extra challenge in the form of things like an extra multiplier on trash/bosses, void zones on the ground, buffs on low health mobs, debuffs on the party when you kill things, explosives you must kill before they explode, and so on. They are timed, and if you beat the timer, your keystone upgrades and you can try harder and harder versions. Loot is awarded from a single chest at the end and scales with the keystone level. 2 people get loot if you fail the timer, 3 if you make it.

Don’t think so, but the rewards stop scaling at a certain point, so it becomes meaningless to push further unless you just want bragging rights.

LFR is 25 players (and can technically scale, but realistically won’t need to). Normal and Heroic are flexible anywhere from 10-30 players. Mythic is fixed at 20 players.

Bosses are tuned based on the difficulty in terms of damage #s and initial health and such, while boss and add health scale based on the # of people in the raid, as well as how many of certain mechanics go out at once. If there’s a mechanic to soak a circle, a group of 10 will only get a couple, while a group of 26 will get a solid handful to deal with.

There are differences between every difficulty level. LFR often neuters mechanics that give individuals the chance to wipe the raid if they fail. Normal is often missing a single fairly straightforward mechanic that’s included with Heroic, with another additional mechanic usually being added in Mythic, with some bosses having entire Mythic-only phases, although that’s less common. Not every boss has differences between every difficulty, but a lot do.


5 men dungeons have 3 difficulties for Level 120

Normal - no iLevel requirement, the easiest
drops 340 gears

Heroic- 335 iLevel required to join using the LFD
drops 355 gears
both normal and Heroic are usually done using the LFD option.

Mythic - you can no longer use LFD for auto join no more, but still can find groups using custom dungeon group finder option.

Mythic 0 - you don’t need a mythic key but you get a mythic key at the end of it and most people do mythic 0 to get a mythic key for that week, the key you are given starts at mythic +2. Which dungeon mythic key you get is random and you cannot delete the key. no time limit to finish, so kinda relaxing experience.
Drops 370 gears but you can only do 1 x Mythic 0 for each 5 men dungeon for that week. You only get 1 key per week which expires at the end of that week, so next week you will have to get another random +2 key.

Mythic+: has a time limit. You enter the dungeon and the party leader enters his/her own key into the automatic window and once the key is in, the timer starts. Every time you finish within time limit, your key will be upgraded. Higher the mythic dungeon = higher the iLvL drops and mythic dungeon cache box reward once a week.
You can repeat mythic dungeons as many times as you want.

Raid dungeons

LFR- 350 iLvL required for LFR Dazar’alor.
The first wing is open now, so go ahead and try
drops 370 gears

As for the real raids there are 3 difficulties
For Dazar’alor
Normal = 385 drops
Heroic = 400 drops
Mythic = 415 drops
For those, you will need to join a raid guild. or try the group finder, but raid guild is far less drama and much more time efficient.

right, thanks for the detailed response! that really helps me a lot.

So i guess with scaling of raid boss health, its more on a sliding scale based on the number of players in the raid group, with respect to the original difficulty of the raid eh

ok, that clarified everything for me, thank you so much!

normal dungeon - ezy pezy cause its main purpose is to wrap up the last chapter of a zones story

heroic dungeon - usually used by raiders to prepare for tier 1 normal raid difficulty

mythic dungeons and raids - tuned for players that want that extra challenge. Requires a co-ordinated group.