Help me see the benefit

I don’t play my paladin in really high end-game.
So last season I rocked Herald all the way and was able to out-perform and really enjoy the game play.

This season it seems no way I try, Templar is the only viable option.

I miss the simplified rotation. Not having to deal with Crusader Strike, Final Reckoning or even Wings. It was just AoE burst, after AoE burst with wings tied to Ashes and even ignoring TV.

WHY can’t Bizzard make Herald viable???

I hate that I have to open back up the rotation. Makes me wanna drop my ret altogether.
I also keep simming and it keeps telling me that picking Templar Strikes over the passive is a 200K dps loss… WTH?

Help me see what is so great about Templar.

Herald has a nice flow to it. I kinda preferred it myself. But Templar has that burst window that simply cannot be denied.

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I don’t think there is a more satisfying button to press than HoL.

Also, my rotation is almost as simplified as you stated. I do use TV/FV, but outside that, is just an extra press of your WoA key.

Wings is still attached to WoA for me, CS is also the passive version that procs off your white damage.

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I’m glad you had fun, that’s the point of a game.

However, from your description, I don’t think you played it optimally at all.

There was a significant performance difference between Templar and Herald last season.

Crusaders Strike auto-attack is still very close to TS.

Final Reckoning wasn’t really used in S1 because of how poorly it performs compared to ES and even with the buffs, it’s still not enough.
*For M+ above 10s

Wings is still tied to Wake through the talent, I don’t know why you talk about it like it wasn’t.

We never ignored FV/TV , for you to ignore “TV” means you didn’t even pick FV…

So from your description of how you played it, I don’t know that you’re in a position to assess either Hero spec strengths.

That being said, Herald is disproportionally behind by a solid 10%-13% at least.

Most people play it because that’s the stronger spec and it’s not marginal.
They don’t feel like gimping themselves.

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This. Right. Here.

This man speaks da truth.

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Even before fv was buffed to out base damage tv/jv.

Even if you did not pick fv, you used tv and not ignore it.

I wonder if he is using the so called icyveins ds spec play ret wrong.