Help me out - where to focus?

Hey all…just came back from a fairly long break from wow and hit 120, followed a few guides - unlocked the legendary cloak, got some halfway ok gear, feel like my damage is pretty decent in random dungeons, LFR, bgs, etc…

Anyway - I could use some help as there’s so much to do right now in the game.

Where would my time be best spent - like what should I be grinding right now to get the most returns as far as damage output, and health go? I notice that in battlegrounds, some characters have like 500k health - and that’s a bit discouraging, although through my Rogue ways, I’m able to still have fun.


Warning: Text wall incoming.

Welcome back to the game. I’m sorry to break it to you, but at this point into the expansion, “halfway ok gear” is 470 ilvl. Especially with the Corruption vendor and after a whole expansion of collecting weekly M+ caches, people are unbelievably strong nowadays…

If you want to be efficient, you should honestly just look for a guild that’s willing to carry you through a few heroic raid clears. WoW has always punished people insanely hard for not having a network of friends, and this late into the expansion, the effort of gearing yourself isn’t even worth it anymore. Heroic raid gear is already 460 ilvl, and if you just complete a +15 key, regardless of the timer, you’re guaranteed a 475 item next week in your cache. That same cache also comes with about half the currency you need to buy a 480 Azerite piece, so people who get carried by friends can easily go from fresh 120 to 470 ilvl in a week or two.

Aside from getting carried through heroic raid/+15 keys, a decent way to get upgrades is actually through heroic Warfront. Do the Tyrande Night Warrior questline to unlock the weekly Warfront quest, and then you’ll be able to get a piece of 460 gear when Darkshore comes around for your faction. That only happens once every two weeks, but it’s basically being handed a piece of gear for free.

Another thing is, Blizzard is currently doing like a month-long Timewalking marathon for some reason. Run 5 of those every week, and you’ll get a piece of Normal raid gear. 445/455 items are obviously nowhere near endgame, but they’re still upgrades for you, especially if you get really lucky and get a Carapace Dagger/Raden Fist/Vita Shard. In that same vein, whenever the dungeon event comes around, make sure you do the 4 +0 Mythic dungeons. That’s a free piece of heroic raid gear, and some of those legit are endgame for people who don’t raid Mythic.

Finally, you 100% need to look into the whole Black Empire Invasions/Greater Visions/daily quests thing. This part is super important, so pls read even though it’s exhaustingly long…
1, Greater Vision itself isn’t a great way for low ilvl people to get items, since soloing Visions isn’t nearly as easy as the other stuff I’ve mentioned, but advancing your cloak research and upgrading the actual ilvl of your cloak are both vital to playing 8.3. The cloak basically gives you a 470 Alchemy stone proc for free at rank 12, while unlocking all research allows you to spend the rest of your currency on an item that puts a gem socket onto your unsocketed item. Both of those are huuuuuge for improving your DPS once you start doing real content.
2. The Weekly Invasion and daily quests are the only ways to generate reputation with the new 8.3 factions, and Breath of the Dying, which is objectively the best Essence in the game, is locked behind the Uldum Accord rep. There’s not a single rogue build that does not use the essence as a minor, and taking that as your Major Essence is also mandatory in PVP.
3. After you hit 175 with your professions, the 8.3 questline(wowhead Void Focus for exact details) that leads you to craftable 470 gear is started through Black Empire Invasion content. Those 470 gears are honestly pretty nuts, since they always roll with a socket and you can keep making them over and over until you get the right secondary stats. If you just max out leatherworking and get crafting, that’s 2 item slots that you never have to worry about ever again, even after you put mythic Ny’alotha on farm. Even the gold sink of feeding your profession isn’t that bad, since Blizzard officially sells gold nowadays with WoW Tokens.
4. Basically all Ny’alotha-related contents give you this currency called “Echoes of Ny’alotha.” You can use that stuff at Mother to buy Corruptions to put onto your gear, and Corruptions is like the ultimate thing of this patch. Just to give you an idea, I have about 75% Haste with my raid set of full Expedient Corruptions, and that’s buff-less + out of combat. My friend’s Demon Hunter, who runs the Infinite Stars Corruption, deals about 40% of his total damage through proccing Infinite Stars. That’s the power of Corruptions, so save up your Echoes of Ny’alotha lol.

As a side note, whenever you have the time, you should go into Epic Battlegrounds and just park your character near the big fights. Especially in a place like Ashran, that’s about 1000 Honor points every BG, and you only need 30k Honor to unlock Blood of the Enemy rank 3. Once you get that, you’ll basically never need another Major Essence again in PVE. Getting honorable kills in BGs can also get you some progression toward your 470 profession gears, so that’s a nice bonus.

Hey thanks man. I really appreciate that. My son and I are making good progress now.

Well glad you asked because Classic WoW is really fun and you get to play a real rogue instead of that thing blizzard calls a rogue in retail.

Gosh man. Classic is probably where I came from myself - man do I have some memories. Sounds very tempting actually.

classic premade pvp is bad and raids are easy…retail is better.


Yeah classic raids are easy, but extremely fun.

Classic battlegrounds are super fun when you don’t get a pre made and now that AQ40 is coming out the number of prrmades is far less than it was a month ago. I solo que almost exclusively when doing battleground, and it’s gone from 90%+ premade groups to maybe 20%.

Classic world PvP is truly awesome, I don’t think it gets much better.

TBC comes next year and builds off Classic WoW and is a superior Raid and PvP experience.

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It has gotten progressively better every expansion. World PvP right now is pretty mediocre though, due to the way Corruption works, but Wrath-WoD had amazing (and I do mean amazing) world PvP that is not even comparable.

WoD was ok, mists was better because every class was actually good. WoD was only good if you were playing rogue. I did, but had to give up on my mage that expac because it wasn’t fun any more.

Cata was ok, rogue was kinda OP in cata because the combat talents + recuperate made us virtually unkillable, and really not all that interesting, but other classes were alright.

Wrath had some good times, I really enjoyed winters grasp, and the battles around what was basically Mt. Olympus. But it was maybe the most lacking despite Blizzard’s efforts.

TBC had some crazy world PvP, it was actually really really good, but it’s hard to say if that was because of the server or the times or because of the game.

Vanilla and Classic right now have truly awesome world PvP, it was kinda bad in phase 2 classic, but now it’s just amazing. It’s so good that I spend a lot of time doing world PvP. I do now also do Arathi Basin on occasion, but man I can’t get enough of classic PvP, it really is fun, but takes some getting use too. Like don’t expect to live long in big battles, it’s not TBC to WoD, it’s like playing a super fast FPS, where you instead of setting up for a single kill basically have a kill order and attempt to execute that and achieve whatever your objective is.

I usually explode the cloth classes then assist our warriors with the others, and it works out really good.

With all things it’s a matter of taste and realizing in this situation that it’s 100% a different game entirely.