Help me out here …

Long story short , I love to tank. My guild already has 2 tanks and I am a backup. If I want to raid I have to dps most of the time. What tank would you recommend that has a dps spec that isn’t boring ? I’d prefer to not have to regear trinkets etc but I’m open to whatever at this point

beartank - boomkin
really only thing that comes to mind lol

I’m going to go with DK.

DKs are just so badass.

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This seems pretty subjective…
DH with Vengeance and Havoc (certainly not boring since a charge in your rotation keeps you on your toes, or drives you crazy!)
Paladin with Prot & Ret (Ret dmg is pretty decent these days after the rework)
Druid with Guardian and Boomkin

Those are the three that come to mind with reasonably decent damage but really you should be able to play any tanking spec and it’s DPS counter-part. Only you can define what you mean by “not boring” (I’d guess 2-button rotation, but even that might not be what you mean).

Druid, I’d recommend feral for you. Boomkin is boring, don’t let these people fool you, I fell for the same trap it’s boring, it’s only fun in PVP

Ret pally isn’t bad but for me, it’s hard to get into.

Your best bet is probably warrior.