Help me / Inspire me to play a different healer

Hey GD. For context, back in the day when I was more of a serious player, I used to main tank; specifically, Blood DK and then Brewmaster Monk. Mind you this was back when Justice Points were a thing, so, I’d say that was during MoP. I used to pug 24/7, until I got into a guild and started doing raids.

Since then though I have mained DPS. Mostly Elemental Shaman, Balance Druid and Rogue.

These days, since I’m not really interested in DF content, I level various alts. I have heirlooms but I don’t like using them. Currently leveling this mage and a dwarf warrior the old fashioned way. Really no interest in getting them to max level right away, probably gonna stop their EXP at 59 and do all the expacs quests for Loremaster eventually.

However, I would like to learn how to heal. Honestly, I have never seriously touched a healer past level 20.

I’d like to play something fun and not brain-dead. I don’t have any good idea of what healer spec fits that role. Can you all help me?

Healing in general I find not to be so brain dead cause people are the entertainment.

Starting off Resto Shaman/Holy Priest can be good.

I think Rita made a decent starter guide for disc too.

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Holy paladin has so many buttons you’d definitely have to put some thought into which moves you’ll use. Disc priest is also one of the harder specs since you heal with dmg. Mw monk also heals with dmg but has less buttons for that and you can do more direct heals.

You will play Discipline Priest and dps while you heal. It’s super uber duper challenging and stuff.

Either Resto Shaman or Holy Priest. Only 2 pure healers in the game and are thus the only 2 worthy of consideration.

You’re a troll so… I’d say shaman.

If you enjoy melee characters and dpsing, mistweaver monk is amazing. It will keep you busy, has strong cooldowns, and not entirely complicated. I also found its mage tower easy to do. :smiling_face: the blue and orange tiger outfit is cool. I recommend man dwarf for one. They look best and also super cute with most of the monk transmogs. Like their beards stick out under their helms. lol


My favorite healer is the resto shaman. I prefer the reactive healing style with straight forward healing spells that the spec offers (fast heal, long heal, HoTs, AoE heal, ground heal, dispel - nothing fancy).

What really attracts me to the shaman is the toolkit, though: you have a 12s ranged interrupt, an AoE stun, an AoE stop, utility totems for all sorts of situations, a hard CC, an offensive dispel, a temporary tank pet, and blood lust. You can handle all M+ affixes by yourself if you have to. The spec feels fairly complete when it comes to utility.

Dealing damage as a resto shaman is also straight forward and doesn’t require you to shift forms or anything like that. Pretty easy to dot stuff, use lava burst instants and cast lightning or chain lightning if you can fit them in. Healing Rain also does damage passively (if talented).

The only downside for me is that I don’t fancy the current iterations of the shaman’s dps specs. I’d certainly be happier with a druid in that respect. But as a healer, the resto shaman feels great to me. I like that spec a lot and main it.

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Become a Disc Priest. Save lives and kill people in PVP.

Its fun to be a vampire.

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