Help me find a computer?

Good afternoon fellow Warcraft players.

I need assistance in obtaining a new PC. I play WoW, record videos, and do VERY basic editing on the laptop I have now.

I’ve used an “MSI Stealth” laptop for as long as I can remember, and it has finally died.

I dont really want another laptop as this one has been plugged into a monitor since I got it. I’m wanting a desktop and have no idea where to look or even begin to look. The internet is garbage and gives old outdated articles and info.

It doesn’t have to be custom built or anything. I don’t play other games. Again, this is used for Warcraft, minimum OBS recording, Youtube uploading, and general meme viewing. It’s just a personal computer.

I do want something that would be able to play on high settings to make it look good, and it needs to be able to run well.

Budget would be less than ~$2000.00 USD.
I’ve only EVER had the MSI laptop and an old Dell desktop before that, so… I don’t have much in the way of preference.

Do you all have any tips on where to start? I’m literally flying blind here as my PC knowledge is next to nothing. Actual PC suggestions or even just “the best brand right now is xyz” would be appreciated. I’m not looking to spend like THOUSANDS of dollars, but like I know stuff isn’t cheap nowadays.

Explain it to me like I am 5. Please, I need some real explanation. LOL

Could I start somewhere like the “Newegg Gaming PC finder” tool? I essentially put in 1440p as the resolution selection and then picked world of warcraft as the game I play and it gives you like 3 options: Starter, mid, and “best.”

Please and thank you!

I would recommend taking a look at CLX Gaming and its customization tool. You could probably go with the Set system and upgrade individual parts based on your wants. A big thing here is going to be: what is your budget? What brands do you like? IE; AMD or Intel, etc. The more information the better recommendations can be made.

Hey, thanks! I updated the post, but:
Budget would be less than $2000.00 USD.
I’ve only EVER had the MSI laptop and an old Dell desktop before that, so… I don’t have much in the way of preference.

Dont buy anything now even if you are buying prebuilt. Wait for the 9800x3D to come out in a few months then buy a prebuilt with that in it. It will be a game changer with games like wow who LOVE that x3D cache

If you are spending money might as well get the most out of your buck


If you ever want to upgrade your PC stay away from prebuilts like Dell, Alienware, etc. Look for the custom-built ones like I mentioned. As for what Shiftdruid said, it’s your call to wait or not. It’s all about whether you need a desktop now or you’re starting to look around.


This is my rule of thumb. I always build my own rigs. But it sounded like the OP wouldn’t be experienced in that. Rather than try to explain it on the forums figured it would be easier for the OP to buy Prebuilt.

I dont recommend prebuilt to anyone normally. However with that said Trying to explain Building a PC fundamentals online to Novice PC Builders normally just does more harm than good. So that is why I just suggested what I did

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Dell/Alienware/HP have their own proprietary parts problems, but a lot of prebuilts will cheap out on ram. And wow is something that’s sensititive to your memory timings from what we can tell.