For reasons, I wasn’t here for almost all of Dragonflight. So I am nearly completely lost with the changes to professions when it comes to the skill points and specialists tree thing.
I have…probably months …of time to do this but what I am planning on doing is trying to get a full set of Chainmail armor crafted pref with Elemental secondary stats and as high as I can craft it.
My issues are currently.
*I haven’t yet unlocked World Daily Quests (Working on this now on an alt)
*I don’t understand all these random parts I have collected from questing and what not.
Even with high quality tools, I don’t seem to get more then 1-2 hides/scales from most of the mobs I kill.
I feel like completing the top issue will fix most issues as I will be able to collect profession quest items and skill ups.
But any advice people wanna share would be helpful.
If you’re simply aiming to do leatherworking with a focus on chainmail, then you’ll want to just put all your points there. Typically it’s best to max the root nodes first (global +skill), then max the leaf nodes (this unlocks the epic recipes), and then max out the last nodes.
You don’t need to strictly complete the campaign in order to progress the profession (this is done primarily via work orders, first-crafts, knowledge treasures, inscription treatises), but it does help since some of the TWW factions have profession knowledge point unlocks at certain levels (usually 12 or 14). Past that, you need 2-or-3 star materials to typically craft equipment at max 5-star rank. You can use concentration to finish work orders with less, but you typically want to save concentration for your own major crafts as it regenerates kinda slowly.
Oh, and artisan’s acuity is fairly rare; it’s primarily used for recrafts in small amounts, purchasing recipes, and a few knowledge point unlocks from the Artisan’s Consortium. This early in the expansion, it’s pretty much priceless.
It looks like a crystal in the upper left hand corner of your profession journal. It is a rechargeable resource that allows you to upgrade your craft to the next level, making up for any deficit in skill.
Want to create a gold breastplate, but can only do silver? Concentration lets you get away with it. In the crafting screen, one of the finishing elements you can use will be concentration, alongside the one-use skill ups, or the items that grant additional expertise, multicraft, etc.
The larger the gap between levels there is, the more concentration is required. And concentration is used on EVERY craft. So if you wanted to make a stack of armor kits for example, and wanted to make them all higher quality, you’d burn through a lot of concentration quickly. It’s probably best reserved for big ticket items, but it’s better to use it than not because you’ll get better items.
The recharge rate is fairly slow, and as far as I know isn’t impacted by anything, so your resource is arbitrary.
Dude, it will do your head in, it’s wild. Guides and the addon Kirsy linked will help.
Professions are one thing I wish were account wide. Not even skill level but maybe recipes? For me it’s a chore because I’m basically doing it because I have to on my PvE main but can’t * really * get into it knowing all my old recipes are on a different character.
At least we can craft from the warband bank… I think…