I have a level 120 with Hoa and am currently on the quest ‘uniting kul tiras’. Do I need to finish this quest in order to eventually do invasions so i can get the black empire armor. Or can i skip all of the quests and do invasions without it, any help is appreciated!
You need to the cloak quest from wrathion or anduin to start invasion areas, pretty sure it’s the quest in stormwind keep. Its a reasonably long quest might take a bit.
Oh wow so i can just hearth to stormwind and start it then
Yea its under the black empire campaign when you start from anduin
think i found it , shores of fate starting quest
Shores of Fate is the Darkshore questline about Tyrande. iirc, you do need to unlock World Quests as you were doing ‘Uniting Kul’Tiras’, then also open Nazjatar, in order to be offered the cloak quest.
Here is Blizz’s guide to getting your cloak. (When you’re doing assaults which are v time consuming - not sure if the Vale one requires the full assault or you can just get the token from the assault boss - try to do events and be part of killing rares for bigger progress gains)
[Ed. If you know which world boss is up, you can kill it for 445 gear without having opened up invasions
Whew thought i was doing those quests for nothing, thanks for the info guys!