Hi, I’m having a little issues with this macro. when I’m unable to mount, like inside I want to go to cat form which it does great, and mounts in the world fine. However inside when I cannot mount, and have a target and want to use a spell it puts me into caster form.
When I’m in-combat it works fine.
Can anyone help?
If I have a target and am in range I want to use rip, and not take me out of cat form even though I’m not in-combat yet.
/cast [harm] Rip;[outdoors,nocombat] Travel Form; Cat Form /dismount [mounted] /cast [nocombat] Cat Form
Okay, this macro mounts fine outside, and goes into cat form inside, however, when I’m mounted I want to switch to cat form, not caster form.
From travel form being outside it switches to caster form. I don’t want that.
I’d also like, if I have a target stay in cat form.
That code changed everything thank you. I had to make an adjustment because if I press the button again it would go into caster form instead of cat form.
This is the updated macro that I now use and seems so far to work flawlessly.
You are right it’s the stances. Both of these seem to work perfectly. I will play around with these just to see if there are any errors but so far looks good.
Thank you for all your help.
one issue I ran into was going into shrine of teh storm where u have to go into water it wouldn’t switch to travel form in water while inside.
is it possible to change this to also allow travel form when swimming?
/cast [outdoors,nocombat,noharm,noform:3] Travel Form; [noform:2] Cat Form; Rip
/dismount [mounted]