Hi there - I can’t beat Vorath as a Shadow Priest when he’s in his bird form . His health doesn’t go down. Supposedly the birds he summons heals him, but I can’t take them all out fast enough before he heals.
I’m admittedly not the best at playing priests so any tips or suggestions appreciated. Cheers!
I have the same problem on my shadow priest also. It stuns me that the NPC’s don’t do jack either. My aggro is off the charts, lol. That lady doesn’t tank. the other toady doesn’t do much either. I’m gonna fill out a bug report just cause i guess. Anyhoo Zell sorry i have no tips. Hopefully they will fix whatever this is. Have a good one.
I can’t do it as Ret and almost had him as Prot! He’s bad enough and the endlessly spawning mobs don’t help! Is there some trick to this?
I agree, I can’t kill any of the ravens before they reach him and heal him. There is also no way to interrupt him from summoning the ravens. A possible solution would be to reducing the health of the summoned ravens and reduce the number of ravens summoned from 3 to 1.
Yeah I have the same problem on the Ret Paladin as well. I managed to take him to 48% once and he then killed me. When I came back (long bloody run) his health was back up to 98% and I just couldn’t hurt him anymore. After 30 attempts or so I gave up. When I tried again the bloody fight has reset and I had to kill him in his San’layn form again. I just didn’t feel like starting all over so I left. The Dark Iron quest line was so fun but this the BE one is way too hard. I wasted my time… Almost feels like Torghast all over again Wasting 1 hour only to end up with an unkillable boss and no reward.
Completed this quest line yesterday on my Ilvl 120ish Arms Warrior. When he is in that evil bird / demon form thing… I kited him around the entire area. He spits out blobs that spawn small groups of smaller bird things that heal him but they move slow and never catch up to you if you quickly kite the boss away from them. Took awhile but got it done.