Help! Classic WoW crashes with Error 132

Ok new diag report: w5iu4asq

It looks like Windows installed a driver. Try installing the driver you found again. This time select “Custom Installation” then only install the graphics driver itself none of the other AMD softwares.

Restart computer before you try the new install. Create a new DXDiag afterwards

These are the issues that make me hate notebooks. Manufacturers provide drivers for a couple of years and that’s it. They tweek the drivers and if you try to update with anything else there are issues. Basically forcing folk to get a new laptop after a few years.

Heck I have a desktop playing the game at my daughters that has a motherboard from 2006. Plays just fine. (Granted it’s overclocked and everything else is updated - still though)

OK classic still crashes but retail is working again. Here is the DXdiag: 96STrM9K

Yeah this laptop is pretty old now. I know I am going to need a new computer but I was planning on waiting until Black Friday if I can!

Even AMD doesn’t have a driver release for this one post 2016.

This may just be unsupported in terms of getting things to work.

Hi again Thantore

Good to see you are back up running. Had me concerned there - notebooks grrr. The DXDiag appears to be clear of graphics errors. We may be getting somewhere here. There are a good number of errors caused by IDVault - uninstall that software.

Let’s have a look at your most recent Error 132 - pastebin that.

Hi tratt can you help me with my error 132? I need a lenovo laptop (model 80v6) gpu intel 615 driver. I updated mine to the most recent intel 615 driver this morning and i couldnt run WoW again after that. I tried reinstallign wow and everything! I just want to go back to my old driver I guess. Can you help me find it

Hi Shoxy

I replied on your original thread here:

Hey there! OK so I couldn’t find any files called IDVault but it may have been an old antivirus program so I deleted that, but still crashed.

Here is the latest crash: tJYFFHqR

Here is the DXDIAG after deleting that program: uPwktg95

Hi again Thantore

Still crashing on the ATI graphics .dll - I mentioned a Selective Startup test earlier in the thread. It looks like you may have been sidetracked with the graphics install issues. Did you get a chance to try that?

That was where I disabled startup addons? Yes I had disabled all of them and restarted the computer but not luck

No - the Selective Startup disables most processes running on your computer.

Follow the instructions on the first portion of this support page carefully. (The other sections are for pinpointing troublesome processes later)

Im sorry, all this article says to do is this, am I missing something?

Windows® 10

Before trying the steps below, close unnecessary programs and restart your computer.

Identify Problematic Startup Items

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager.
  2. Click More Details.
  3. Select the Startup tab.
  4. Right-click on each item and select Disable .
  5. Restart the computer.

If this resolves the issue, enable the startup application one at a time to determine which one is causing the problem. You will need to restart between each application you enable.

Note : To re-enable startup applications, follow steps 1-4 and select Enable .

Yes follow that exactly. If you no longer crash then we know it is one of the programs you disabled that is causing the crash. It’s detective work.

Ok I opened task manager, went to the start up tab and disabled all start up processes. Restarted the computer and still crashed. Under the processes tab, there are 54 active background processes. Am I supposed to do anything with them? or just make the adjustments in the start up tab?

Hi again Thantore

This recent thread here. The error is identical to yours - pointing at same ATI dlls. Notebook with onboard AMD graphics.

I think this is beyond my fixes and we have tried a good number of those. Let’s get a ticket open:

I would provide the link for this troubleshoot in your ticket. May save some back and forth.

It could be something with windows update. Last weekend I decided to let windows update my video driver (ATI HD 6670) and it does use the latest AMD WHQL driver from Nov. 2015.

If I install the driver from AMD, it works fine. The same driver installed by windows update however, does crash in WoW Classic. It crashes on the ati driver.

It is something with the windows driver that does not install correctly.

Hey there friends,

Thanks for working hard to find an answer for this. Something to try that we have seen success with is forcing windowed mode for classic.

  1. Go to Blizzard Desktop App WoW tab
  2. Select Game Settings from Option dropdown
  3. in Game Settings, activate the option “Additional command line argument.” Type in:

Just chiming in to help out if we can.


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OMG it worked!!! I was thinking I was never going to see that classic login screen! Thank you so much and thank you so much to Tratt who worked so hard and helped me so much. You guys are amazing!

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