Help! Choosing Hunter Race!

Hey everyone! Well SL is getting close and im planning to change my race. Now im struggling whether I should stay gnome or go Kul Tiran. Mainly it being because I want to just see my gear amplified and such. Should I switch to a Kul Tiran hunter? Are the animations nice and good? Does gear look better on them? OR just stay as a gnome? Thanks everyone!

EDIT: Thank you everyone for the replies! Means alot, i think im gonna hop on a low lvl Kul tiran and try it out one last time but your replies have helped alot on what to keep in mind tysm!

I’m probably biased, but I paid $25 to become a Gnome Hunter and it was worth it! I vote Gnome!!


Personally I’d stay as gnome if those are your only 2 options, I spend enough time playing a hefty boi irl, don’t need to do it in game too.

Draenei waifu is always best waifu though.


Night Elf! NIGHT ELF!!

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Female KT let’s gooo

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Kul Tiran animations are a bit boring tbqh, but I do love their aesthetic. Gear looks good on them, too.

I don’t like how armor looks on Kul Tirans. They stretch the armor and look like eggs. If you want a character for the looks I’d say gnomes are far cuter. Although you might find the Kul Tiran racial fun. Use the knockback when your disengage is on cooldown. You’ll be untouchable!

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I’d say Kul’Tiran because that’s new to me over Gnomes. But it really just bottles down to just enjoy whatever you like being.

I have both hunters on each faction and enjoy them both equally and this is coming from a person who RPs. So again, enjoy what you like. Maybe go and play Kul’Tiran a bit and see?

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Kul Tiran look great with modern assets that have detailed shoulder and (preferably large) belts.

Gnome is a bit more flexible in that they are smaller so older assets aren’t as stretched out but a lot of the detail on newer assets are squished.

I actively play both :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks so much for the response! :slight_smile:

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I’m not a fan of Kul tiran ranged weapon animations. Their melee is alright. Mail is already hard to Tmog for and so is the Kul tirian body type. I’d create one real quick and see if that is something you like.

Also I don’t know if you have robo pets but you might have to get the ability to learn them again as Gnomes and Goblins start off with it.

I love my Gnome hunter. The moment they added robot pets I was all for the class on the race. It makes so much sense but whatever you pick hope you enjoy it.


True! Your not wrong lol thanks for the reply!

I usually do night elf as it fits with lore and stuff. Also shadowmeld and touch of elune works nicely. Void elf and Kul’ Tiran is not bad. It’s just I never unlocked KT.

Night elf was my first race on this main, hmm that gets me thinking now, ive just been more focused on Allied races for it being something new, thanks for the reply!

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Oh then. I’d say KT too lol. Jolly hunters.

Thanks so much Monkybull! Your not wrong, i do enjoy being a gnome I guess i just feel like they dont pop out as much, but maybe im wrong after all! :slight_smile: tysm!


Of course anything for my Orbs of deception counterparts!

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a nome ok , can eat , koltaren 2 hard 2 eat , do not want , u do nome

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Thanks tyla, ya thats very true. I guess its just a bit getting to me cause on my gnome i feel like i dont stand out as much when it comes to gear but ya im prob wrong on that, tysm for the response!

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I love my chunky hunter. I love Kul Tiran combat animations. I am planning to only tame birds and other flying animals.

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