HELMS ELITE 11/12 M Nyalotha and 7/10 N Castle Nathria recruiting

Guild & Server: [A] US-Whisperwind/Dentarg

Raid times: Wednesday/Thursday 7:15PM-9:45PM CST
Current Progression: 11/12 Mythic Ny’alotha 7/10 N Castle Nathria

WoWProgress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/whisperwind/Helms+Elite
Raider.io : https://raider.io/guilds/us/whisperwind/Helms%20Elite

Recruitment Contacts: Bnet Sailrmoonkin#11855 discord Sailrmoonkin#6274
Application: Direct message me with links to your most current logs and progression sites.

Requirements: 18+ and a good attitude and have some mythic experience

Needs: We are looking to Recruit one of the following class/specs
*Enhancement/Elemental Shaman *Warrior *Boomkin