Hey pal missed ya, was wondering if you’d be playing! I ended up playing Horde on Incendius…tried and failed to avoid the queue Come say hi to me some time, I will be on Gael or Profanity!
Odwalla here, I will be on Atiesh as (Saxel) If anyone wishes to join me. I will be forming a guild soonTM. Would love some familiar faces
Aceplayer from the guild Quiet Professionals. Dwarf Priest, playing WoW Classic on Myzrael as Aceus.
Greyheart Frost DK from Hellscream is now Greyheart Paladin from Westfall.
Hey Crit! Darkenwolf here, old NE Hunter of Hybrid Council. I think I used to play with you and Ijahman(sp?). Couldn’t keep up with the pvp scene. Blindshadow plays horde side now and see him from time to time. I’ll tell him you said hi.
Aquilo - NE Resto Druid from Silence guild. Definitely recognize some names here (Axaron, Eulynn, Pizar, Ziaku…)! I am re-rolling Aquilo on Kromcrush.
Should add me, Gael! Calelanna#1540
Curious what your plans are for classic. If you’re just visiting, planning to stick around, etc.
Lasandren, Mage, from hellscream, Thrall, and Terrokar
Xandrine - Human priest. A few guilds, Spite and Malice was my last one. Then moved to Mal’Ganis horde side with my now husband who I met from Hellscream. Some of you may remember Togarth, from the horde side!
Xandrine#1688 for anyone who wants to reconnect!
I used to be in a guild called Solace Dawn. Dwarf Hunter … Matchew
Yo it’s me, Hamsammich from Hellscream. Looking for my boy dustin and his wife. Dustin played a warrior named Asariah… and his wife played a Warlock… named something.
We did every dungeon together from Uldaman up to level 60 content. If not for Dustin I would have never read the quests or understood the lore. In fact I don’t know how I did anything without him. I was a little jerk back then and probably just not a pleasant person to be around in general.
I still know where to find things in the game today because of little tricks he showed me 11 years ago.
Also had a terrible computer that would randomly blue screen of death. Now that I think about it, these must have been two incredibly patient people to deal with me.
I eventually ended up quitting the game several times.
I think I was in veracity with you… and maybe even did some ‘The Eye’ with you in TBC.
You played a female gnome warrior, and you had a rogue right?
I was probably playing a gnome warlock named Hamsammich or Dissolution. Had a nightelf rogue with me by the name of Yougotowned.
I think Kronos?
Tahrin – Night Elf Hunter. I was in Brainstorm originally and them moved to Echoes of Elysium after Brainstorm broke up. Transferred over to Dalvengyr with EoE. Transferred back and played here a bit at the end of TBC and start of WotLK, was in Living Legends for a bit there. The only names I really recall from way back in Vanilla are Warren and then the big 3 on Horde: Festeringhag, Oogalak, and Mercator. Not playing Classic currently, but would be interested if I could locate any of the early 60 folks (pre-BG, when everyone was fighting in SSvTM or forming raids for Scholomance).
Sarahien Keepers of the faith
give send me a message if anyone that remembers me is still playing.
I knew I should have rolled on Old Blanchy.
Drifter – Night Elf Hunter – LITL
I’m playing Alliance on the Classic server, Smolderweb.
Character: Docthor
Pop in on retail every so often, primarily on Bonechewer, Horde.
Hi everyone,
Had a few characters… This one was my original.
Aurorra ne druid
Heckatae human warlock
Vestria human priest
Hmm… Guilds included quartz dragon, sovereign guard, vox populi.
Had crappy internet cuz I was still in England with the military.
Can’t wait to hear from people.
Crydon, hey! It’s heck…I sent your info to H.
I remember a Dmitri.
Do you remember an aurorra or a heckatae (warlock)