Character: Treezy
Guilds: High Raided / Living Legends
I mostly did Arenas/BGs/Wintergrasp/anything pvp orientated.
People: Ignore, Trippiest, Emopanda (hewters <3), Wodie, PLovos, Charak (already talking to him, he had a warrior named Dextero i think to), Interned
Numkop (human paladin) - Senji Kun / Silent Legion / Armored Justice
(Knight) Pelswick - Dwarf Priest (Fear Ward FTW!) - Holy for Vanilla, then Shadow forever after.
Ancient Hysteria
Athenas Avatars
Reckless Ambition
Age of Chaos
The Awakening
Many others!
Few IRL friends (still) to spark others memories:
Fatalmin. Lypton, Dober, Jogin, Nachocheese (Buymeadrink)
Looking for anyone that remembers!
Athenaswrath (Wrath), Andain, Doug,… man, so many I can’t even think!
Cheers to Classic!
Hey folks!
I played a night elf hunter named Lyndal in the guild Divinus Exerticus during Vanilla, and United Front in BC. I remember Edenborne (night elf priest and nice dad) was our guild leader in DE.
I’m going to be playing on Grobbulus RP-PvP as an Undead Rogue named Lyndal.
Catch me there if we were old buddies!
Where is everyone rolling if they are going PvE?
Was able to get my name on Pagle and Mankirk since the EST servers are closer to Hellscreams CST.
Some people from work are in a deep discussion between Thalnos or Stalagg, but PvP + Vanilla doesn’t sound super great (why I rolled on Hellscream in the first place )
Hey Patray! Damn it’s been a long time. Good to see you still around.
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My Character Names:
HumanHunter, Dwarf, Hunter
Earthsmash, Human, Paladin
Guild: Eternal Equinox
Hoping to reconnect with old guildies or players Drangon and Zanikis
Hope you find some of your dad’s friends, just pitching my support
Ickabod, Gnome Mage
I didn’t make it to 60 in time for endgame content during Vanilla, but I raided with guilds Helix, Turmoil, Afterlife, and The Chosen Few during TBC before switching servers. If you don’t remember me, you might remember my irl friend, Night Elf Rogue Devildante.
Good to see so many of you!
Rabee, NE Hunter - Scarlet Alliance, Quiet Professionals, Silence.
Mynx, Human Mage - Scarlet Alliance, Quiet Professionals, Silence, After Midnight Raiders.
If you remember me hit me up!
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/5 ghelco: Reporting for duty!
Its been too long, I’m sure Stratholme still fears us though. The rep grind that finished but never ended.
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Dierix here. Human Mage. I remember you. Smallfry TheAnswer Kastie.
Hi Eulynn, been a long time! (Whitebeard, co-guild master of Brainstorm here). I’ll be playing in classic again, though probably more casually than in my college days
Planning to play on Myzrael.
I was:
Whitebeard, Brainstorm, and KTF guilds
dwarf priest.
Will be dwarf priest again in classic.
Hello silence, my old friends
Cool seeing the old names. Ahh, the fond memories of MC and BWL. I guess AQ and Naxx too…
Pizar Warlock Scarlet Alliance and Silence
Hey Dierix. I definitely remember you, Smallfry, and Enzeru as mages. I still keep in touch with Enzeru. It’s nice to see some familiar faces.
Crydon is familiar!
I play with Cleric and Hayate - both are around but playing alts mostly.
sup fool, idk if you remember me, mostly from BC raiding days, i went by the name of blackshades
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Oh hello Pizar, the ole caster gang…
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Reikan NELF Rogue - The Forgotten Ones/Red Gauntlet through WOTLK. Any RG dudes lurking or are we all in the retirement home?