Hello. Where is everyone?

Where is everyone? I am all alone leveling. It sucks. I am on Whiteman and no one is in Stormwind. It use to be packed. Where can I go to find people?

Whitemane has been almost completely Horde since some time during TBC Classic. You can poke around to see who is online, and probably find at least enough people to raid with, if your time matches up, but if you’re just coming back and looking for a place to play on PVP servers, then it might be good to know that Grobbulus has maintained pretty balanced numbers, Faerlina and Whitemane are almost completely Horde and Benediction is almost completely Alliance.

Good luck!

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thank you. I will check those out

h ttps://ironforge.pro/population/classic/?locale=US

the numbers are all low as not many logged prepatch but this will give you an idea of which server is which faction